Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sun., 17 Feb 13

Charlotte made smoothies for breakfast using the strawberries (now frozen) that we bought in Florida a few weeks ago. They were great!

It was another cool start to the day; however, with almost no wind it felt warmer than Saturday. We waited until slightly after noon to head out to enjoy the perfectly clear blue sky and sunshine.

Today we headed towards Foley, AL and took the Foley Beach Express route to bypass the several miles of stoplights through the city. Our primary destination was Orange Beach.  Once we crossed the toll bridge (could have avoided by go through Foley and Gulf Shores) we followed AL-180 (Canal Rd) to the end. This is the residential/cottage section or Orange Beach.

On the return we turned towards the beaches. This section reminds me of cruising the Outer Banks in the Carolinas. Wall-to-wall houses, built up on stilts over the dunes. A section was high rise condo or hotels for at least a mile. We could not even see the water. Then we passed another 3 to 4 miles of mostly multi-story houses to the  west end (dead end). 

Charlotte enjoyed the slow convertible ride along the beach strip. The houses were so colourful (mostly pastels) and it amused her to read the house names. People give their houses names so visitors (or renters) can find them among the multitude of look-alikes. Many were quite creative.

Once again we stopped at the Original Oyster House for a repeat of yesterday’s lunch. We don’t often do this; however, we enjoyed it (especially the Fried Green Tomatoes) so much we just couldn’t pass by. Charlotte went in to get our “beeper” while I looked for a parking spot. This place is always packed. 

We ordered the identical meal. The only thing different was our seat and our server.

After lunch we headed back to the Foley Beach Express again to avoid the several miles of stoplights. We were soon back at the RV. I think supper will just be a piece of pecan pie later this evening. In the mean time I will finish the blogs for Saturday and Sunday and then take the computer in the car and park outside the corporate office building.

I was lucky and was able to get on the Wi-Fi and send out the blogs. Now the usual TV evening. Being Sunday we won't even have to stay up for Jay (Leno).

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