Monday, March 20, 2017

Thu - 16 - 19 Mar/17

We departed OMS today for home to beat the "Biker Week" and "March School Break" crowd heading home on I-95 out of Florida.

Good weather and travelling. We stayed overnight at the Flying J in Ruther Glen, VA.

As bad weather will be crossing our path we decided to stay at the Days Inn in Chambersburg, PA for 2 nights (Fri/Sat). I winterized the motorhome (water system) on Saturday as it is still Below Freezing in Canada.

Sunday morning we headed for home. Light snow had fallen here overnight; but all cleared and we had dry roads after a half hour.

We had envisioned a long wait crossing customs into Canada. There were no cars in line when we crossed at Ogdensburg, NY into Canada around 5 p.m. When we mentioned this to the Customs Agent who said that it was backed up over the International Bridge (about a 2 hour wait) until 5 minutes ago.


We pulled the motorhome into Liz's driveway in Ingleside, ON about 5:30 p.m. They arrived home about 5 minutes later - Marty had a hockey practice from 4 – 5 pm in Long Sault, ON.

We had our traditional homecoming "Pizza" supper at Liz's.  Kat joined us for supper after her work finished at 6 p.m. We handed out the "Coming Home" gifts, took the things that could freeze out of the motorhome and unhooked the Del Sol.

Charlotte went home with Kat (She lives just around the corner) and I returned in the Del Sol after I contacted Cogeco to start up our TV/Internet/Phone services. I had to use Liz's phone for the call as our cell phone (on a USA service) stopped service near Watertown, NY. I returned home as soon as this was accomplished.

The first thing we both did was both take a "Tubby". After 3 months of showers, the Jacuzzi felt Soooo...Good!

We decided to not return for a "Second Half" in the south as we usually do. Our late departure due to a cancelled medical appointment meant our first 3 month stay ended too close to spring (officially, next week, Eh!) to make it worth returning for only 1 month. Most of Charlotte’s “Sewing Buddies” had either already left or would be gone by the time we returned. Perhaps we will plan a summer trip somewhere?

Thus ends another "Snowbird" season.

Thanks to those who followed the blog.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Wed - 15 Mar/17

Clear skies with the cold front. Lucky if it gets into the 60's F today. Tonight it will be below freezing.

The light breeze will add to the "Wind Chill" today.

Charlotte decided not to go to the Craft Room today. Most of the regulars have departed for home this week. We will use today as a "Prep" day for our trip home.

We decided that we will leave tomorrow. We notified the office.

This is our last blog for this season. Thank you for following.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Tue - 14 Mar/17

Most of the rain yesterday missed us or was so light it was more of a mist except the last band that lasted for a few hours and was steady and fairly heavy. This brought a morning that was cold and damp even after the rain had passed. Yesterday the bikers were dressed for fall as they went out on their ride - today they were dressed for winter.

Charlotte went to the Craft Room with nothing in hand this morning. They are doing "Viking Knitting", whatever that is. We know what "Swedish Weaving" is; after this morning we will know about "Swedish Knitting".

I pulled directly into a car wash spot that was open. This made Charlotte journey this morning an extra 50 or 60 feet longer. I wanted to wash all the leaves and acorns that fell onto the car during the rain. Three others arrived in their vehicles shortly after to do the same. They all came for the same reason. No scrubbing or polishing - just getting the leaves and acorns off.

After washing I pulled the car into our usual spot on the other side of the parking lot. took the computer out of the trunk, checked the mail (none) at the P.O. and proceeded to The Lodge. This morning, after the routine "Internet Stuff" I settled in to check the long term weather predictions in preparation for our trip home later this week.

Charlotte arrived at The Lodge a little after the noon hour. I then found out what "Viking Knitting" looked like. Although their are "Tools", Viking Knitting basically can be done using a 3/8" wooden dowel. Essentially, it is wire weaving. Charlotte enjoyed learning how to do it. (and she did a good job!)

We then returned to the motorhome and reheated the Spanish Rice for lunch.

We relaxed until about 1:30 p.m. before heading out. The first stop was at Advance Auto Parts where I picked up a set of "Honda" seat covers for the Del Sol.

The next stop was at Wally's Garage. Wally had done a complete tune-up on the Del Sol a few weeks ago. He had replace all the original belts on the motor. I do this every 22 years whether it needs them or not! (grin). I can't believe they lasted that long! (Honda Quality, EH!).

I now was getting a "Chirp" on first starting the car in the morning. We both agreed that it was the alternator belt which was under "load" on starting. It probably had stretched enough to cause it to slip a bit causing the "chirp" until it got up to traction. Wally had it all set in just a few minutes.

Next we were off to Jo-Ann (Fabrics) for a material for (aw, you guessed it) more mini-duffle bags.

The cool weather was still with us; however it was now sunny so the top came off (the Del Sol - another grin). We took our usual lakeshore route along Lake Eustis. We then succumbed to temptation and pulled in at Ice Cream Shop in Umatilla, FL for a treat. We each decided on  milk shakes made the "old-fashioned way". They were good!

We then decided to go to Ken's Deli, Bakery and Amish Market in Mt. Dora, FL. They are known for their Deli Sandwiches; however we went for the "Amish" stuff. We would not be stopping, like we often do on our way home, in "Amish" country (in PA, IN or OH) so this was our stop to get something "Amish". Charlotte succeeded. Our only miss was “Sweet Potato Chips”. We recently had a bag at a restaurant and have been trying to find some ever since.

The best part of all this travelling around was that it was done on "Slow Roads" with the top off.

The extra hour of sunshine had us a little "out of sync"; however we managed to arrive back at the motorhome in time for Jeopardy. With the storm now gone the reception was good enough for us to be able to watch (except for a few blips).

P.S. You know that “Extra Hour” is a misconception; don't you? I hate to break it to you but; they just changed the time. (I’m grinning)

Tuesday, being the best TV night, means we will watch mostly CBS (NCIS) and not have to "Channel Surf" tonight.

That wraps up what turned out to be a day that was busier than expected.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Mon - 13 Mar/17

Just a completely dull day today and cooler (almost 70 F) temps. Almost no wind and an 80% chance of rain - mostly in the late afternoon. If it does rain it will only be light showers.

Folks heading out on the motorcycles are bundled up like it is fall.

We hope the major snow storm in the north is cleaned up before we head home at the end of the week. We can drive in cold. We prefer no ice, rain or snow.

Today we are just doing little prep jobs (mostly packing) for heading home.

I made Spanish Rice which will last for 2 meals. We are trying to empty the refrigerator before our departure later this week.

After lunch Charlotte carried her plant to Martha's, just down the street, for adoption. We can't take plants back to Canada.

A very light rain arrived late afternoon just as we headed out to buy a microSD memory chip for the GPS. The GPS is getting tight on memory. It will update the maps; but there isn't a lot of memory left for extra POI's (Points of Interest) and Multi-Stop Trips. I have just added a custom route map for our trip home.

The poor weather weakened reception for Channel 9 which is weak at the best of times. We missed Jeopardy tonight; but got a double dose of Family Feud. The other channels required for 24:Legacy, APB and Scorpion were fine.

After the local news it will be Late Night w/Stephen Colbert to catch up on what stupidity Trump and his "Talking Heads" have done today. OH MY! I don't know if I should have said that before closing the blog. I just heard that Trump might have bugged the motorhome! FAKE NEWS! (grin).

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Sun - 12 Mar/17

As they say; "Spring Ahead - Fall Back". Too Bad - So Sad! We all lost an hour today. Tempus Fugit! (Time Flies) Where does Time go? Well it just went somewhere; but I ain't looking for it.

Actually I'm a "SAD" individual; as in "Seasonally Affective Disorder". SAD is a type of depression that's related to changes in seasons. It begins and ends at about the same times every year. Mine just ended! I'm not a "Morning Person". Given a choice, I prefer the extra hour of daylight at the end of the day not in the morning.

DST (Daylight Saving Time), some say, was originally proposed by Benjamin Franklin in 1784 when he (jokingly) wrote to the editor of The Journal of Paris; "Parisians could economize candle usage by getting people out of bed earlier in the morning, making use of the natural morning light instead". Although he didn't say; "Change the Clocks", perhaps this planted the seed for DST?

In ancient times (Romans and before) it was the hour itself that changed. Summer hours were longer than winter hours and ancient water clocks had adjustments to provide for this change that was made with the season.

Modern DST was first proposed in New Zealand by entomologist George Hudson in 1895 so that he would have more time after his "day job" to collect insects. He proposed a 2 hour shift in time. I guess you could say this problem "Bugged" him (grin).

The use of DST was sporadic during the first half of the 20th century. Often it was used to conserve resources during wartime (WWI and WWII); but many countries abandoned it after the conflicts (except Canada, the UK, Ireland and France).

Today, even though many countries use DST, the start and end dates vary. Even in countries that do use DST there are certain jurisdictions that do not. In the USA the states of Arizona and Hawaii and most of the U.S. territories do not. In Canada, Saskatchewan is the lone provincial exception.

Actually, it is the middle latitudes North and South of the Equator that have the most seasonal variation in daylight hours. Daylight varies so little (Equatorial) or so much (Polar regions) in other areas that time change there is actually of little practical use.

Although it is a minor nuisance to us as individuals, (twice a year) it can be a major problem complicating timekeeping, disrupting travel, billing and record keeping, medical devices, industrial equipment and sleep patterns. Computer software makes many adjustments automatic; however there still are many local jurisdiction regulations the change in dates and times can be confusing.

Today DST has both advocates and critics. For some it is a method of conserving energy resources and preserving the environment by changing lighting, heating and cooling patterns; however there are numerous arguments and opinions on both sides of the debate. The Pros and Cons even extend to various occupational safety issues.

Like time itself: "Will the debate never end?"

As you can see - there wasn't much planned for today after CBS Sunday Morning.

The sky was cloudy threatening rain all day; but it didn't happen. Not an overly pleasant day and it will be cooler tomorrow.

We just relaxed and surfed the TV channels today. We didn't even go outside.

We will be on the road next week at this time - if not before. It all depends on the weather.

Sat - 11 Mar/17

Weather - same as yesterday; however tomorrow rain is expected and the temps will drop for the next week into the high 60's F.

Many of the RV park "Bikers" go out each nice day, as a group, for a ride (somewhere). With "Bike Week" in Daytona (actually started yesterday) in full swing, I can't help but think they may be going that way today.

I went to wash the car this morning in prep for today's road trip. Someone else soon arrived to remove the layer of oak tree pollen that also covered their vehicle.

We took the "Back Roads" to the Harbor Freight in Apopka, FL for their huge Parking Lot Sale. It was a great "N3 ≠ 2 Drive": Not too hot, not too sunny, not too much traffic. We drove with the Del Sol’s top off enjoying the lovely weather. I bought a whole bunch of odds and ends at a good price.

Our next stop was less than 2 miles away. We went to the 16th Annual Rotarian Lowell's Classic Car Show at the Apopka Fair, presented by the Rotary Club of Apopka, which was being held at Kit Land Nelson Park on Park Ave.

There were a lot of neat cars including several that were similar to ones I previously owned.

 ...a GTO similar to our 1970 Le Mans (dark green) convertible.

...a 1963 Chevy II (my Ice Blue one was my first car and convertible) - this one was an SS (Super Sport) with a V8. old Ford Sedan (different Year); but similar to my '31 Ford (gold) Hot Rod which had a Corvette V8 w/three 2-barrel carbs.

...a Ford Skyliner Hardtop Convertible that reminded me of our 1965 Thunderbird Convertible because it's top, like my T-Bird, flipped the trunk lid up backwards to allow the top to retract into the trunk.

Then there were the cars I wished I owned.

...a "Mint" silver Dodge "Hemi" Charger. Classic!

...a Delorean (without the Flux Capacitor - grin)

...a Polaris "Slingshot" - a three-wheeled motorcycle 2-seat roadster. A "Craft Room" friend of Charlotte's (her husband) at OMS has one - in red. They are Canadian; however I don't think he has taken it back home because Ontario can't figure out how to license it - as a motorcycle or a car???

...a Porsche Spyder; which, if it had #130 painted on it, would look remarkably like the one that James Dean crashed and died in 1955.

This reminded me of the Mexican artist Octavio Ocampo's "James Dean" picture. We had the good fortune to acquire a "James Dean" print at Ocampo's residence when we visited with our good friends (Alberto and Diane) several years ago.

The longer one looks at this work, the more that is revealed.  At a distance or on "close up" inspection; various parts of the picture morph into something else entirely. I often study it (it's on my computer room wall) to see what else will appear before my eyes. It is hard to tell from this picture; however a few things you might be able pick out are the cars in the eyes, nose and lips and his hair that metamorphoses into "skyscrapers"...It is a truly an amazing work of art!

We bought tickets for the 50/50 draw. Proceeds are for charity. We were not lucky.

After the car show we went to "The Catfish Place" just a few blocks away. from the park. We have learnt a good lesson when travelling. If you want good food, don't ask; "Where can I get something to eat"; instead ask the locals - "Where do you eat?"

Often, like this restaurant, you will not find it on "The Main Drag". Just as often the exterior is not "Impressive" or fancy; however it's what's inside that counts. We were not disappointed.

The restaurant is housed inside a turn-of-the-century railroad depot complete with antiques and collectibles that adorn the walls contributing to the warm, homey atmosphere.

We thought the "Green Fried Tomatoes" at "Crazy Sista" Lucy Buffet's place (Lulu's) in Gulf Shores, AL (yes; that Jimmy Buffet of Margaritaville Fame's sister) were great; however these were equally excellent. Charlotte enjoyed their "In House" Ranch Sauce so much she wasn't just putting it on the GFT's; she was tasting it by the spoonful. (It's OK - they brought us more).

The "Lunch Portion" of Catfish was perfectly done as was my hamburger steak. It is no accident that they have been serving Apopka for over 35 years! The smaller "Lunch" portions were large. We didn't have enough "room" for dessert. We had hoped to share their "In House" Key Lime Pie. (Too Bad -So Sad) The food and service were excellent.

We reversed the path taken to get here with the exception of stopping in at our usual Publix to pick up a few grocery items and lottery tickets. We had hoped to pick up a Key Lime Pie. Unfortunately, they had a special on for that item and they were sold out until tomorrow. (Another Boo-Hoo).

We arrived back at the motorhome with just enough time to unpack, shower and arrive at tonight's show just before the start.

Bill's Rule: # 23 RV Park Event: being there a half hour early means you are already 15 minutes late.

We were lucky enough to find room at one of the very last tables in the Rec Hall. We had the good fortune to sit with a couple we had sat with previously and a couple we were meeting for the first time.

The show this evening was "The Sweethearts of Branson": Denny Yeary and Shelia Renee (Husband and Wife). This musical duo having been performing in Branson, MO for several years and bring with them experiences with a "Who's Who" of the music business. Their variety show covers a wide range of songs and artists. 

They are such a mainstay they have been the "Two of Hearts" on the Branson "Deck of Cards" for over a dozen years. The playing cards contain information for locating the best attractions in Branson. The cards act as a guide to Branson with each of the cards features a different attraction, show or restaurant. The deck includes a preferred customer card, which gets the card holder discounts throughout the area.

When Branson "Shuts Down" after the Christmas Season for a few months many of the acts tour the RV parks and other entertainment venues; mostly in the southern USA. Not only is this the last OMS show for the season; this is their last show before returning for their regular Branson shows.

This was a great ending for the OMS season.

A few minutes after the end of the show we arrived back at the motorhome. Charlotte talked to a fellow "Crafter" as we walked.

This wrapped up a busy day.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Fri - 10 Mar/17

The weather is doing a repeat of yesterday except with fewer clouds. Still in the 80's F.


Today is MARch 10th = MAR10 = MARIO if your a Gamer! It is similar to Star Wars Fans celebrating MAY 4th. (May the Fourth be with you - THORRY for the LITHP - grin)

It is no accident that Nintendo just released their "SWITCH", a new hybrid gaming console. This release has the highest 2 day sales in Nintendo history. They expect to sell 8 million by this time next year. As they say: "Game On"...PS4, XBOX and iPAD!

We are just taking it easy today. Odds and Ends until mid-afternoon when we plan to go to Lake Sumter Landing in The Villages. This is one of the "Friday Car Nights". Tonight Camaros will be featured around the square.

Lunch was Spanish Rice (my way) which is one of our favourite dishes. This means lunch will just need reheating for the next few days. In the realm of food prep it earns an Easy A (as in Easy - Eh! - another grin).

We took the "Back Roads" to Lake Sumter Landing , enjoy the warm "convertible" weather all the way, arriving about 4:30 p.m.

By the time we arrived the "Square" was packed. In "The Villages" virtually everyone has a "Golf Car" (they don't call them carts here). With well over 100,000 of these in "The Villages" it doesn't take long to fill many of the parking spots. We had to park in the parking area behind the businesses.

No - this isn't a "Ticket" line for the Camaro Show - it's free. This is the line at one of the 4 "Shacks" at the corners of the square. These folks are lined up for the "Happy Hour" special.

In each of "The Villages" 3 town squares there is "Live Music" every night of the year (5 -9 p.m.). Folks come to sit and listen while they enjoy their drinks. They also dance (or line dance).

During "Events" the attraction participants set up around the square. Sometimes it's vendors that are on display and other times it's one of the many "Special Interest" clubs in The Villages. Tonight The Villages Camaro Club has many of their club members displaying their car. This 1978 Z28 is still owned by the person that placed the original factory order - now that's as rare as the car itself!

The majority of the Camaros were "New Era" cars and most of them were convertibles. Hey! It's Florida and this is The Villages! I think Charlotte is partial to white?

After "Doing the Square" we headed for the Van Heusen/IZOD store across from the street. Charlotte found several nice items allowing me to use my "Reward Points" saving an extra $20 on top of the 60-70% discounts. Works for me!

The area surrounding the square also has several restaurants. Johnny Rockets is one of our usual stops.

The weather was warm enough to enjoy sitting on the patio. While there we got to enjoy watching all sizes and types of dogs that passed by walking their masters. Along with Golf Cars most folks also have a mutt breed (remember - This is The Villages). When you see a baby stroller going by here chances are it is holding a really cute dog!

We share a Philly Cheese Steak and a Strawberry Milkshake. It is not that we are on a diet or trying to save money - it's just that we have come to realize we can't eat as much as we used to and this method of ordering just makes sense.

Again, as usual, we returned to the motorhome on US-441, due to darkness. We were back before 9 p.m.

MacGyver, Hawaii 5-0 and the local news rounded out the evening.

It was a relaxing, yet busy, day.

Thu - 9 Mar/17

The weather continues to follow the same profile as the last week. Partly cloudy, a light wind and the promise (maybe) of showers that have not yet materialized.

What did arrive was the fog. It burnt off by 9:30 a.m.; however the humidity will be above 80% for the next few days.

Charlotte finished or almost finished a few more Mini-Duffle Bags while I did Internet Stuff in The Lodge.

We left the windows closed and the A/C on in the motorhome to keep the humidity out. It was a relaxing afternoon until around 5 p.m. at which time we headed to "The Villages" for supper and a show at the Savannah Center.

Supper was at Cracker Barrel in Lady Lake. It is Thursday and Charlotte enjoys the Turkey Dinner w/all the "Fixin's". I ordered my usual - the half hound hamburger steak (Medium).

We ordered then Charlotte went to the Country Store part of Cracker Barrel while we waited for the meal to arrive. Why is she always not at the table when I solve the "Triangle Puzzle". I have solved it several times; however I think this is the first time the final single peg was in the middle position.

Charlotte found a few items she didn't know we needed at the store and we picked them up after the meal. Then we headed to Savannah Center for "The Yardbirds" concert.

This is a picture of Suzanne at the ticket window inside the Savannah Center. She "Made Our Day"! Every once in a while we have the (It's Cliché Time - grin) "Good Fortune" to have some individual "Go Above and Beyond the Call of Duty". (Sorry about that; but there is no other way to describe what she did). We had a ticket problem that could have easily been dismissed; however Suzanne took the time to make an exceptional effort (using the computer) to rectify the situation and we thank her.
The Yardbirds (Members of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame) are a British Rock Band that formed in London in 1963. Their big hits in the '60's include "For Your Love", "Heart Full of Soul" and "Over Under Sideways Down" (which they played tonight to "Standing O's"). The group brought Electric Guitar innovations such as "Feedback", Fusstone Distortion" and improved amplification to the world's music scene. Their original member guitarists (Eric Clapton - Cream; Jimmy Page - Led Zeppelin and Jeff Beck - The Jeff Beck Group) went on to become legends in their own right.
Although "Yardbirds" in America refers to a convict; a new military recruit ("gopher" type) or (in the "Deep South") a chicken (Free Range aka Yardbird) in "Brit Speak" it refers to the "Hobos" who hang around the train yards waiting to hop a freight.
Thankfully, Drummer Jim McCarty, carries on! (as in keeps the band going - not the other "carries on" - grin). (No reference to the Carry On...Movies, either) Jim (in the center) is the only original (and Brit) left. The other new members are all American. Or should that be "All-American" (grin) - they are that talented.
The concert was over too soon. For the audience it was truly a "Memory Moment".
As usual, we came to "The Villages" via "The Backroads"; however we returned on US-441 which is a well-lit multi-lane that has much less traffic this time of the evening.
We were back at the motorhome in time to watch the Local News and finished the day off with The Late Show. Stephen Colbert still keeps us laughing about Trump (beats crying - grin).
That's a wrap for today!

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Wed - 8 Mar/17

The weather for the next week will be similar to the past week. Temps in the min-80's F with a 30% chance of a small scattered showers, light clouds and low winds.

We went to the office to pick up tickets for Saturdays show in the Rec Hall before heading to the Craft Room (Charlotte) and The Lodge (Me).

Charlotte completed 3 more of the Mini-Duffle Bags. They are still just as neat as the first time she made them.

With less than 2 weeks before our departure we are trying to empty the refrigerator - especially frozen items. Today's lunch was Marie Callender Turkey Pot Pies.

Mid-afternoon we went to Joann Fabrics to pick up some more material for the "Last Batch" of Mini-Duffle Bags. (I've said that before - grin).

This qualifies for Bill's Rule #3: "If you enjoy doing it - keep doing it!"

Charlotte made a stop at the "Country Store" next to our RV park (OMS). She found a few items to put in her "Mini-Duffle Bags" that "are "Florida".

Tonight's TV required quite a bit of "Surfing". TV is "All Downhill" after Tuesday.

That's it for another day.

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Tue - 7 Mar/17

Light clouds with lighter winds than yesterday. Temps will hit the 80's F today.

Charlotte didn't go to the Craft Room. They are doing a Terra Cotta pot based project today. Charlotte has the directions and may do it when we get home. There is just no room for any more items (especially fragile) for the trip home.

Charlotte worked on more Mini-Duffle Bags in the motorhome today. I worked on my FileDrawer Program.

Lunch was the second half of the Papa John's Pizza. Still tasty!

Charlotte had 2 crafters (fellow Canadians from Ontario) drop by for a short time this afternoon.

I finally figured out why I don't have email. It is not my computer. Cogeco has suffered a major widespread outage. It must be a major piece of equipment that has failed as the email and many other services have been out across the province judging by the internet reports.

We went nowhere today.

Tonight will be a CBS TV evening after Jeopardy and Family Feud.

Sorry for the dull blog today - not even a picture.

Monday, March 06, 2017

Mon - 6 Mar/17

It was still windy today; however the temps are climbing and will be up to the 80's F by tomorrow. It will stay that way for a week or so. The skies are clear; however there will be spotty showers now and then for the next week.

I drove Charlotte to the office to get the "Cupboard Key"; however she drove to the Craft Room. This is "Yoga Day" so The Lodge is out of bounds for anyone else. They can do all sorts of contortions on the mats; but the only thing that "Gets Out of Joint" is their "Nose" if anyone else is in the room while they are exercising as proclaimed by the "Do Not Enter!" signs on the doors. Since tables may be at a premium this morning in the Craft Room I will use my phone as a "Hotspot" and do my Internet business in the motorhome.

I spent the morning trying to figure out where to pack all the extra items we bought at Harbor Freight yesterday. The compartments of the motorhome are already stuffed for our return home which is less than 2 weeks away.

Charlotte is working on finishing the "Cat Quilt" today. She has to complete the final binding. This took longer than usual with her returning after the noon hour. She then walked to the office to return the cupboard key.

Charlotte just has a little "Hand Stitching" to do now to finish.

Orlando City SC (Soccer Club) played it's season opener in their brand new stadium yesterday. They won 1-0 which means we could get a Papa John' s pizza for 50% off if we order online using the promo code OCWIN. We have been wanting to try it for a while. Today we ordered a Large Thin Crust "The Works" pizza.

I printed out the confirmation and left to pick it up at the Mt. Dora location. It is in the same plaza as Hobby Lobby (3 stores to the left). We arrive about the time it was ready.

There are no tables to eat in the store. This is the case for most Papa John's Pizza places. We drove to the Lake Walk in Eustis and enjoyed the pizza in the car. There are no picnic tables available there; but at least we had a view. This is not unlike many areas in Florida. "No picnic tables" is probably done to discourage loitering or the homeless from setting up camp in the area. The pizza was the best $8.00 (+ tax) large pizza we have ever had! (We have only had 1 large $8 pizza - grin).

Papa John's is the world's 3rd largest take-out and pizza delivery company. It started in 1983 in Jeffersonville, Indiana (across the river from Louisville, KY). "Papa" John (Schnatter) knocked out a broom closet in the back of his father's tavern |(Mick's Lounge), sold his 1971 Camaro Z28 for seed money, bought $1,600 worth of pizza making equipment and began selling to the tavern's customers. Today there are over 4,700 franchise locations in the USA and 37 countries worldwide. It was the first national chain to initiate "Online Ordering".

Their current slogan changes "Fresher Ingredients"(etc.)... to... "Better Ingredients, Better Pizza." (Papa John's).  This is their current continuing response to the initial lawsuit filed by Pizza Hut against their previous advertising that compared Papa John's ingredients to their competitors. The jury's decision was upheld. On appeal the court ruled that the slogan did not constitute statements of literal fact – that "fresher ingredients" do not necessarily account for a "better" pizza . It was misleading advertising; however, the court also concluded that this slogan was not material in customer's purchasing decisions.

Maybe Shakespeare (or possibly Christopher Marlowe and/or Thomas Nashe) was right when he wrote in the play Henry VI (circa 1591) ... (Dick the Butcher)... "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."

If things were bad enough in that era to evoke those writings from Shakespeare (et al?)...imagine the state of affairs we are in today (grin).

Our entertainment for tonight was "Hotel California" at the Orange Blossom Opry (7:30 p.m.) This band was formed originally to fill the void left by the "Eagles" original departure from the music scene in 1982. The band features 5 multi-talented musical professionals that faithfully reproduce the mega-hits of this Super Group. Although the Eagles did return with their "Hell Freezes Over Tour" and later appearances throughout the years, the death of Eagles founder, Glen Frey (a little over a year ago) now makes that impossible. This, along with "Hotel California's" superb talent, makes them one of the most sought after "Cover" groups in the world.

Tonight, they did not disappoint. There were at least 2 dozen instruments on stage (more than a dozen were guitars and variations thereof). They all played multiple guitars and a variety of other instruments (except the drummer). They were the "Eagles" as far as the crowd was concerned - garnering several standing ovations. They were fantastic!

We made it back to the motorhome in time for the tail end of "Scorpion" on TV.

The Local News and The Late Show followed. I couldn't wait to hear Stephen Colbert's skewering of "The Donald's (Trump) weekend Tweets that stated Obama had Trump Towers "Bugged" and compared Obama to Nixon and Watergate.

That brought back memories of when Charlotte and I were in Washington, DC when "Watergate" first broke. We heard references to Watergate continuously; but at that time we didn't "have a clue" to what it was all about. I wonder if this will become Trump's "Tweetergate" (grin).

Trump's conduct is unbelievable for anyone of prominence - let alone the President of the United States of America; but as they say - "Truth is Stranger Than Fiction" or the alternate "You Can't Write This Stuff!".

...and on that note I end the blog.