Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Wed – 21 Dec/16

It appears that using my phone as a hotspot is working – at least until I run out of data (actually, it is unlimited; however, it will go to “slow speed” at a certain point).
I was able to pick up our email last night. Wow! Our best friends just traded their 2 cars in for a brand new, gun-metal grey, Nissan Rogue SUV! Perfect!

We are still sleeping in until 9 a.m. (Good for us!).
Charlotte headed off to the sewing group to say; ”Hi”. An email had been sent from the group a few weeks ago wondering if we were coming this year. We had been delayed by a cancelled medical appointment and would be about a month later than planned.
The unusually |(record) warmth has departed and we now have overcast skies and temps starting in the high 50’s F. it will get up to almost 70 F by mid-afternoon with the chance of an odd scattered shower.

Charlotte returned in about 45 minutes from saying hello. The usual gang was there. They are all working on their own individual projects. Occasionally someone will volunteer to teach “a project”. Charlotte will now have to unpack her sewing machine and sort her materials and will join in tomorrow morning.
When Charlotte returned we indulged(yummy). Instead of the regular breakfast we treated ourselves to coffee cake that we picked up with the groceries last night.

Mid-morning we headed out (with our fingers crossed) in the car to see about getting the clutch fixed.
A few years ago, on our first stay at OMS (Olde Mill Stream) I discovered Wally’s Garage. Wally is the kind of mechanic everyone wishes they had to work on their car. Only the best work with the best parts will do – and at a fair price.

Then panic set in! Wally’s Garage was vacant! I phoned the old number and Wally answered. He had recently moved to a larger facility. I was relieved.  I got directions and would meet him there after lunch.

We had to “kill” a few hours so we were off to the Walmart just a short distance away. We were sure we could find a few things we didn’t know we needed … and we were right! Charlotte found a few craft items while I drooled at the 32” TV’s for less than $150. We got a good 2 hours of exercises and picked up a few items by the time we were to leave.

We stopped on the way back to Wally’s Garage to run the Del Sol through an automatic car wash at a corner gas/convenience store. The car was pretty white from the trip down here.
Wally’s new facilities are at least 3 times larger than the old shop. They are still trying to sort everything out as they have just moved in a short time ago. A good mechanic is always busy. They also work on great cars. Wally is well regarded in Corvette circles in this area; however, I was surprised to see a classic Ferrari Daytona in the shop.

That is one of my all-time favourites for that marque. (It was a customer’s car – Wally hasn’t traded in any of his Corvettes).

Careful inspection revealed no leaking clutch lines. Wally will be able to book me in by the New Year to replace the master clutch cylinder. (Remember, I said he is always busy). Master cylinders don’t usually abruptly fail; but develop a slow leak. I will keep an eye on the fluid level until it is fixed. It should be OK until then. (Hey – first time in 22 years – I can’t complain about the longevity.)

After leaving Wally’s we went to the Mt. Dora Chamber of Commerce to pick up event listings and brochures.  We missed a few good shows; however, most are now over until the New Year. Next we will have to check the schedules for entertainment in The Villages and at the Orange Blossom Opry.

The late breakfast meant we were not hungry for lunch. On the way back we decided to stop at the Ice Cream and Treats shop in Umatilla, FL. Here they serve premium ice cream in a few dozen flavours. They also have yogurts and Italian ices and candies as well. We had thought about sharing a classic Banana Split (another couple each indulged in their own individual one); however we each decided on getting our own flavours. Charlotte decided on Black Cherry and I settled on Pecan Praline. We both agreed that these were as good as any and better than most, as each had a generous supply of fruit, nits and flavor.

Our next stop was at the Family Dollar store across from OMS. Here we filled the water container that we bought at Walmart. Down here many locations have filtered water dispensers either in-store or out front. We also picked up a few small items inside the store as well.

We crossed the road to OMS and pressed our remote control to open the gated entrance. I then pulled in at the office and went in to get 2 rolls of quarters so that we are prepared to use the park laundry when needed.
We unloaded and were back in the RV by 5 p.m. There is still a lot of unpacking and sorting to do; but that will be for another day. Hey – we’re retired!

I turned on the Fireplace (electric) in the motorhome to take the damp chill out of the air. It is dropping below 60F now that the sun is down. It will go down to the upper 40’s F later tonight; but have no fear – it will be up to the 80’s F for Christmas.

Supper this evening will by Marie Callender’s Turkey Pot Pie. We always look forward to this. The great thing is that; unlike some pot pies, it has a complete top and bottom crust. It’s time for me to start cooking so all will be ready to eat while we watch Jeopardy.

That’s it for another day.

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