Monday, December 19, 2016

Mon – 19 Dec/16

We slept in until 9:30 a.m. Then it was time for a warm shower. We will spend the rest of today (and the next few) gradually unpacking and setting up everything in the RV.
Record high temps here yesterday – up to 88F with extremely high humidity!

I went to register and pay (the balance - at least for the next 3 months).  The first month must be paid in advance (last year) to hold the reservation. I picked up a mailbox key (Site #81), left a set of keys for the RV (in case there is an emergency), left our completed registration forms and picked up Christmas Dinner (Pot Luck) tickets. (Ooops! I just remembered - I should have also picked up the New Year’s Eve tickets). I will try to remember to do that tomorrow.
There is no longer park wide Wi-Fi. They spent thousands and were willing to spend up ¼ million; however no provider would guarantee service. With over 400 in the park and each site having a phone or two and a computer (or two) there were up to 2000 devices trying to get on at once. This caused chaos.
This year there are3 hotspots: The Main Clubhouse, in the Lodge and the  Multi-purpose room. Charlotte and I came to the Main Clubhouse. Charlotte checked the activity list and I am trying the Wi-Fi. At the moment I am able to get on. It just means I will have to carry the computer from the RV to the hotspot to use it. It appears to be OK and I will be able to do the blog.

I went to the Main Rec Hall. There is bingo here in one room and card games going on in the library. I don’t think anyone is doing laundry at the moment as we are alone in the activity room (crossword puzzles and the activity listings are here.)
I was just able to pick up emails for the last 4 days.

Apparently the provider for ROAM Mobility had an unplanned outage. With luck I will be able to have my winter cell phone working by tomorrow.
I am now going to try and begin publishing the blog.

Please bear with me as I try to get everything going again.

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