Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Tue – 20 Dec/16
Slept in again until 9 a.m. It will take us a few days to get back on schedule after 3 days of intense driving.
 It will also be a few more days before we get the RV unpacked and sorted out.
I got the phone working about 9:30 p.m. last night. Apparently the provider for ROAM Mobility had a massive outage. Nothing was working regarding signing on. I had already paid for 6 months; but couldn’t enter the start date for my service. Finally it worked and I now have my winter cell phone up and running. What a relief.

With that accomplished I went to the office and informed them of my contact phone number. I also picked up tickets for the New Year’s Eve Dance. While there I asked Sherri to thank her husband (Charlie) for help getting me set up on the lot so quickly when we arrived. The staff here is the best anywhere – bar none.
We continued to unpack and organize until mid-afternoon. I then decided to check out the Del Sol to see if it would work. When I unhooked the car from the motorhome upon arrival I gearshift would not work. The clutch went to the floor!
I check the clutch fluid reservoir – it was empty! I had spare power steering fluid, transmission, anti-freeze and engine oil – but no brake fluid (which is used for the clutch). Pressing the clutch completely to the floor I was able to shift it into neutral and start the car.

I was going to try to make  it to Advance Auto Parts near Eustis, FL; about 5 miles straight down SR-19. Hopefully, I would only have a few shifts and make it through the few stoplights without having to stop.

Charlotte jumped in and we departed. The traffic, the lights and the car co-operated and we made it safely to pick up the needed fluid that was required - Dot 3 Brake Fluid. I filled the reservoir and pump the clutch several times to ensure it would not empty immediately.
The clutch was working despite having to be pressed to the floor to work. The clutch is probably almost worn out to the limit. I can’t complain – I can accept, being the car is 22 years old and with 500,000 Km of mileage, that I might need a new clutch.

I then crossed the parking lot to fill the car with gas at the corner gas station. It took over 11 (U.S.) gallons. I must have had at least a pint left!

Next, we crossed the road to Publix. This is our favourite grocery store since the first time we ever came to Florida (1970’s). It was now time to do our food shopping to stock up the RV. We only brought a few items (that are allowed through customs) with us that would survive the -40F start to our trip. (Note: -40F and -40C is the spot where both temperature scales match – and that’s cold!)

After shopping (and filling the car) we crossed the parking lot to Burger King to indulge in the “2 for $10.00 Whopper Meal Deal”.

Then, it was back to the RV to unpack it all. After a little over an hour everything was put away. The refrigerator and the pantry were stuffed to the maximum! (Sorry! - I lied! A single soft drink can might fit into the refrigerator and a can of soup might be able to squeeze into the pantry!)
As we take it easy (while watching Jeopardy) I worked on today’s blog. Sorry, there are no pictures, as yet, due to the Wi-Fi problem. Perhaps in the future?
I will now attempt to us my iPhone and my phone network as a hotspot to send out the blog.
That’s it for today! We will now be doing our usual Tuesday evening thing – NCIS!
(P.S. If you are reading this – the phone hotspot worked! )


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