Sunday, December 25, 2016

Sun– 25 Dec/16

We were up and made our “Merry Christmas” calls home by 9 a.m. Santa made his rounds and all is well in the Great White North. They are expecting freezing rain back home which is why we are here in the 84F enjoying the sunny blue skies. The unusual 10-15 degrees above normal weather will return to normal temps by mid-week.

Despite the calendar stating today is December 25th it does not seem like Christmas without the cold and Christmas trees and decorations at night reflecting on the snow.
How time flies – we arrived a week ago!

We spent our usual Sunday morning watching – what else – CBS Sunday Morning. This is an hour and a half long respite from the usual news, which down here, is mostly bad. The main TV that we receive (by aerial) covers the Daytona to Orlando, FL area. On any given night the stories are about horrors and crimes that take us a year to hear on TV back home. Despite the population here being 10 times ours, the tragic stories are still way out of proportion. This is why CBS Sunday Morning is a regular watch.

Christmas Dinner is a potluck event in the main clubhouse at 1 p.m. In “RV Park” terms that means if you are a half hour early - you are already 15 minutes late!
As usual we met wonderful folks at our table. Danny and Nancy, as it turns out, are only a few sites  down on our street (St. Lawrence). We not only had a great meal; we had a great time talking with them. It is a small world indeed. We are familiar with where they live in Gloucester, MA. We can’t wait to see the new movie “Manchester by the Sea” which was virtually filmed in their own backyard. (Actually, across the street).

OMS provides the ham for the meal and everyone else brings “the fixin’s”. Charlotte’s contribution was traditional stuffing – even though there will be “no bird” at the meal. Last night Charlotte chopped the celery and onion and prepared it with the mixture of spices. Everything will be mixed just before our departure so it will arrive hot. Charlotte’s use of chicken broth rather than water makes it extra tasty.
The hall was packed as were the serving tables. With so many choices, it is hard to get a taste of everything – the plates are only so big. Needless to say I felt as stuffed as a turkey!

Needless to say, nothing is planned (or possible) for the rest of the day. We are just taking it easy and enjoying the day – complete with a minute long “Sun Shower”.
Merry Christmas, one and all!

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