Monday, December 26, 2016

Mon – 26 Dec/16

This will be a short and early entry.
I spent the last several hours trying to get the WI-Fi working on the computer – at least for more than a few moments.

That brings up the point – no blog most likely just means computer or internet problems – not anything more serious.
Computers can fail at any time. A bit of software can become corrupted and malfunction. Equipment can fail.  Hopefully, I finally located the problem and have it rectified.

Needless to say we didn’t go anywhere today. Charlotte worked on organizing her craft storage and supplies while I spent from 11 a.m. until now (almost 5 p.m.) trying to get the computer to function. 

Other folks came into the main clubhouse and connected to wi-fi. I could connect to wi-fi with my phone; but no luck with the computer.

It is a “Catch 22” situation – I could find suggestions for solutions on the internet – if only I could get on!
A computer, in the main clubhouse, can be used to access the internet so I sat at the table with my computer on one side and their screen showing internet sites on the other. Apparently it is a common glitch with many variations and solutions. I tried suggestion after suggestion yet nothing worked.

After trying numerous solutions I thought maybe, being an old computer (5 years is old in computer terms), perhaps the park wi-fi wasn’t broadcasting in the old wi-fi band. Newer versions of wi-fi have more than twice the range and broadcast at higher frequencies.
I switched to the Multi-purpose room at the other side of the park to try the wi-fi  there. Others connected; but I had still had no luck. This location does not have a computer on which to access the internet to seek solutions. I keep trying everything I could think of to solve the dilemma. On occasion it would show wi-fi available for the Multi-purpose room. I would try to connect; but eventually would get the message – “Could not connect”.

Using the "Device Manager" I kept uninstalling one piece of equipment after another. I would then turn off the computer and then re-start. Most modern devices that make up a computer are “Plug’n Play” which means if they are disconnected and removed then “Plugged” back in to the computer they will automatically re-install  upon a re-start.  If it is a software failure instead of a hardware problem this may, by trial and error,  eventually work.
Finally!  It now appears to be making a Wi-Fi connection and holding it. It was probably a software driver that had become corrupted and the re-installation appears to have corrected the issue. It just took a long time to find the problem.

Charlotte is probably wondering “What-in-the-World” had happened to me?
I will do today’s blog early (now) – while the Wi-Fi is still working. At least I will get back to the RV by 5 p.m.

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