Saturday, December 24, 2016

Sat– 24 Dec/16

Merry Christmas Everyone!
I better do that before I forget.
Since we have Christmas in November (before we leave) it just does not feel like Christmas (not that mid-80’sF and sunny would have anything to do with that). It’s just not the same without snow (not that I’m complaining).

Today we were off to Renninger’s Twin Markets (Antique & Flea) on the outskirts of Mt. Dora just off US-441.
Today a number of locations were closed including the mini-donuts that we had planned on visiting (a usual purchase). We did all the main (indoor) rows before departing for lunch. We had to fill the gap left by no mini-donuts. Our only purchase was a 10 pack of mini fertilizer for the plants Charlotte bought yesterday.

Naturally, we were headed for Chili’s; which we missed, as usual. Going East we always miss the entrance to Chili’s even when we know where it should be and we are in the “Granny Lane” looking for the sign.
If you read my “Traffic Planner” rant a few days ago you will understand how I feel about municipalities that only allow “Monument Signs”. These are signs that are the height of a grave stone marker. I can understand why these righteous citizens do not want to spoil the esthetical beauty inherent in the miles and miles of multi-lane (in this case 6 wide) roads zoned commercial. It is also understandable that the 45-55 mph wall-to-wall traffic should not be hindered by signs large and high enough to be read easily by anyone whizzing by. These regulations, of course, must include requirements that shrubs and trees be planted to add to the beautification of this pastoral setting. They fact that they block most of the view of the signage, of course, is not relevant. Heaven forbid that adequate signage might also prove to be a benefit to both the tax paying businesses and their customers. Unfortunately, this is common everywhere we travel; making it difficult, especially for travelers, to locate the services they require.

As per normal we passed Chili’s, U-turned at the next traffic  light, made another U-turned again when we passed Chili’s and then we were able to turn into the single allotted entrance for that block (in both directions) of businesses.

Once inside, as creatures of habit, we placed our usual orders. Charlotte enjoyed the Tableside Guacamole Dip appetizer with an Arnold Palmer while I had a half-order of Texas Cheese (w/bacon) Fries (no Jalapeno) and a Dr. Pepper.

Charlotte prefers the “Tableside” version of the Guacamole. It is made fresh at the table she can cancel the Jalapeno and request extra lime. From experience, I have learnt to only place a half-order of the Texas Cheese Fries appetizer so I can finish it completely. Charlotte always knows she will be taking half home for later. That’s all we order. (No clue how people can order these as appetizers and still eat a full meal?)
It was 2 p.m. as we emerged from Chili’s. This time of year it is when the Florida daytime temps usually peak. It was now 84F with a sky full of big, puffy white clouds. We enjoyed the 20 minute drive back to OMS with the top off and the windows down. This is a real treat after leaving home in -40F.
The remainder of the “Outside” chairs were removed from the RV and placed on the patio.

This will be a “Relaxation Afternoon/Evening” – at least we will try! (Boy – This is Hard!)
Charlotte and I will relax with TV (Forensic Files, etc).

OK! Little odds and end jobs will be done now and then. How else can we fill the numerous commercial spots?

I will work on the computer (surprise!) as I watch (listen). I have designed a custom data base program to store our needed information. I will update and print out Charlotte’s Boyd’s Bear list (now 228 items) and our Concert List (now almost 100 acts – over 100 if counting multiple attendances of the same artist over the years).

I will also add to my travel database program (over 7700 items w/addresses and phone numbers) and modify my Movie Database (4500 listings with detailed info - including over 16000 TV episodes).

What can I say – I like to keep track of things!

Outside of that we will do our best to scale back and relax (grin).

No other “outside the park” excursions planned for today. I will now publish the blog a few hours earlier and then relax (Right!).

That’s it for another day.

Merry Christmas!

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