Saturday, December 31, 2016

Sat – 31 Dec/16

The cold spell came and now is on the way out. It is cold this morning (40’s F when we awoke at 9 a.m.); however today it will be sunny and the temps will get above 70F.

Charlotte made a McD breakfast using our Hamilton-Beach Breakfast Sandwich Maker. Mmmm-Good!

We watched “The Henry Ford”, as usual, on TV. The show is always interesting. The Henry Ford itself – even more so!
The museum itself is worth a visit; but take at least a few days – you'll be glad you did.
It had warmed up enough this morning for us to enjoy having the top off the Del Sol as we drove to Mount Dora.

Our first stop was as “In A Nutshell Miniatures and More”. We always stop in to check for Boyd’s Bears. Charlotte found two first editions to add to our collection.
Then it was time to head to our Cat Boat Tour in at Gilbert Park.

We arrived just as a tour had come back to the dock.
“Kat” was checking everyone in for the 1 p.m. tour. She gave us details of what to expect on the tour, went over the safety instructions then led us to our Craig Cat Boats. These two person crafts are really neat.

They are like two surfboards with seats and a 30 HP Evinrude outboard motor centered on the back. The driver (Me) sits on the right. Steering is controlled by a long stick with a large ball on the end situated on the left of the driver.  A forward motion steers to the right and backwards to the left. Straight up generally guides the craft straight ahead. The speed of the turn increases with the motor speed and the amount of forward/backward input on the “Stick”. A control on the right of the driver is both the transmission and speed control. A squeeze of a lever in the handle allows selecting the direction of travel. Forward = Forward and moving it to the Rear = Reverse. In either direction, the speed is controlled by how far the lever is pushed.

The passenger (Charlotte) is the “Communications Officer” on this “Tour of Duty”. She wore the “Walkie Talkie” which is used to receive instructions and/or tour info from our Tour Guide as we boat across Lake Dora and through the Dora Canal to Lake Eustis.
This was our own personal “Saute Moutons” which literally is French for “Jump Sheep”. You wouldn’t expect the French-Canadians to play “Leapfrog” would you? (grin). 

Jet Boating the Lachine Rapids on the St. Lawrence River is not only a local tourist attraction, but a symbol of the spirit, history, fun and adventure that make this one of Montreal a world-class tourist destinations (In summer – in winter many parts of the St. Lawrence freeze over). It is quite possibly the world's greatest city boat cruise tour!
The “Whitecaps” of the Lachine Rapids might be thought of as “White Sheep” (Moutons) that you are jumping (Saute) over (or Leapfrogging) in a jetboat.
This is a spectacular 1 hour ride that is wet, wild, wonderful, and should not be missed by anyone! We really had a fun time!
In Mount Dora, the “Cat Boat Tour”, is equally as much fun! It was our own 2 person “Saute Mouton” experience. We got up to “Speed” as we crossed Lake Dora and soon were “Leapfrogging” over the lake waves and the wake of passing craft.
As warned, we did get splashed, which added to the fun.
Our “Cat Boat Tour” brought back childhood memories to Charlotte. In her “Younger Days”, when visiting her Uncle’s Cottage, she would take his aluminum boat (w/10 hp outboard) out into the “River Channel” to “Jump the Wake” provided by the Ocean Freighters navigating by on the St. Lawrence Seaway.

Our destination was to boat through the Dora Canal. This was originally known as the Elfin River; but became the Dora Canal in the 1800’s when it was widened to make the passage from Lake Dora to Lake Eustis easier for the steamboats of the day.

Today the canal is bordered by numerous residences with docks that feature a variety of craft of which the majority are pontoon boats.

It is also a sanctuary for alligators, snakes, and  numerous water and tree birds.

An abundance of Spanish moss covers the 2,000 year old Cyprus trees that also have water plants at their bases. We noticed the water plants were a few feet above the current water level; but this can be expected in the “Dry Season”.
We have previously taken tours down the Mt. Dora Canal. Scenes from the movie ’The African Queen’ with Humphrey Bogart, were filmed in the Dora Canal. We just watched that movie before coming south; but could not recall any specific scenery (grin).  A few Tarzan movies were also filmed here. It has been called "The Most Beautiful Mile in the World. (Hey! It’s a 1930’s quote); but it is still worth a visit today.

When we reached Lake Eustis we circled around and made our way back, at “No Wake” speeds, through the canal, to Lake Dora. This time we ran, at speed, along the other side of Lake Dora as we returned to the dock. This tour, lasting over 2 hours, is heartily recommended for everyone!

We returned to the RV after the tour. We stopped only to fill with gas. We then relaxed watching various TV programs 6 p.m. when we switched to the local news channels.

We needed to use the sliced mushrooms purchased earlier in the week so super was “Cream of Mushroom Soup.”

Then it was time to relax for a bit before the New Year’s Eve Dance in the main clubhouse. Being it will run past midnight, the event will only begin at 9 instead of the usual 7 p.m.

I will publish the blog now.

Happy New Year Everyone!

Friday, December 30, 2016

Fri – 30 Dec/16

This morning was the coldest since we arrived. We did not have the heat on last night. We like to be cool at night; however this morning heat was needed to take the chill out of the air.
No park activities that we are involved in are scheduled for Friday mornings so we slept in until 9 a.m. We had breakfast while watching morning TV. Charlotte requested a printout of a “Baby Bonnet” pattern so she could keep her fingers busy. I updated a few of my computer programs and checked my email.

The email contained a Harbor Freight sale item that I was on the lookout for. Over the winter Nick will build a custom trailer capable of hauling his tractor, ATV’s, vehicles and other items. His “Wish List” included a 12,000 lb electric winch and I just spotted it on sale at the best price of the year.

We finished watching “The Price is Right” then headed out for Harbor Freight. There are a few stores in the area. All are located within an hour’s drive; however my favourite is at Apopka, FL. It is not the largest; but the ride there can be achieved on “Back Roads” making it a more enjoyable drive compared to the other choices. The staff here is also very friendly and always helpful.
We were in luck. There were plenty of winches in the smaller sizes; however there was what appeared to be a display model (or one that had been returned) and one still boxed and sealed with plastic straps. This is a large and heavy winch and the staff did not hesitate to help get it into the trunk of the Del Sol.

Our next stop; being we were now within 15 minutes of Altamonte Springs, FL, was Costco. My Costco Card was accepted at the gas pump; however my credit card was rejected. The pump computer requested I enter the ZIP Code associated with the credit card. Canadian Postal Codes are composed of a combination of 3 letters and 3 numbers, in a letter/number/l/n/l/n pattern. These are so accurate, in most cases, they indicate the block and side of the street which an address is located. The U.S. Zip Codes are composed of 5 initial digits that indicate a postal (station) in an area.
Usually when I would enter the 3 numbers of my postal code (in order), followed by 00 – it would work. No luck today. I double checked at Customer Service. The card was valid and they issued me a new one just to be sure. For now, as a Canadian, I can no longer access the U.S. fuel pumps directly. They did offer a “Work Around” - I could purchase a Costco Gift Card at the cash and then use it at the pumps.

While I waited in the customer service line I suggested Charlotte go to the “Costco Café” area to sit and rest. To my surprise, she returned shortly to say there is no café. In conversation with a customer behind me (in the service line) we were told there was a café; but it was outside.
As usual, we found items we didn’t know we needed. I drooled over a few items in electronics that I could have easily needed. We also drooled over the meat and seafood selections which were huge and beyond excellent (maybe next time we will bring a cooler filled with ice-packs).

On exit, we found the “Café”. Counter windows were on the outside wall of the building with a large number of tables located outdoors; but under a roof. We ordered our usual – a hot dog w/drink. What was unusual was our dessert – Churros!
Although I offered a stop at a large Fabric Shop that was nearby, Charlotte passed. It was now after 4 p.m. and she thought it was best to avoid being caught in the afternoon rush.  I had followed the “Back Roads” to Harbor Freight but; from there on in, it was 6 lanes of bumper-to-bumper traffic from stop light to stop light.

I had also thought of a visit to the “Orlando Eye” which is a huge observation wheel similar to the London Eye. With Downtown Orlando hosting two “Bowl Games” (Football) this weekend, that was also passed because of the prospect of traffic chaos.
We arrived back at the RV just before sunset. This gave us time to unload the car before dark. The winch is now packed away in the outside storage until we head home.

Charlotte continued knitting (Baby Hat) and I worked on the blog as we watched/listened to Jeopardy. As usual, it was followed by Family Feud and then an evening of channel surfing.
Today will “Wrap Up” with an extra blanket! (Brrr – grin)

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Thu – 29 Dec/16
I drove Charlotte and with her sewing machine to the Craft Room – almost. I parked across the street in a car wash slot. Charlotte had to walk an extra few feet to the sewing room.

The park has two car wash areas. Each area has concrete pads, hoses, a garbage can and a Wet/Dry Shop Vac available. No car washes can start before 8 a.m. otherwise they are available on a first come-first served basis every day.
Some folks come just for a quick spray down, while others do a more complete job. Today the other pad had two quick scrubs and one full wash (like mine).

By the time I made it back to the RV it was already after 11 a.m.
Ooops! I noticed Charlotte coming down the sidewalk. Her sewing machine case is like a piece of luggage with wheels and an extendable handle. Was I late? I checked my watch – it was only 11:15.

Perhaps Charlotte finished the quilt or the sewing machine malfunctioned?
Actually, it was neither. Charlotte needed her quilting frame to continue. She also wanted to go to the Lake County Fairground Farmers Market that is held on Thursday’s (until 1 a.m.) She decided to come back to the RV early to be there before it became too warm to walk through all the booth areas. Soon we were on the road.

The fairground is located about 10 minutes away.  We found a parking spot right at the main building entrance. Our first stop was to visit the Greyhounds. A group that supports and cares for retired Greyhounds had a few “retired runners” on display. This is to draw attention to their cause. A neighbor, back home in Canada, has an adopted greyhound from Florida. Her greyhound, Milo, has leather “Booties” to protect his paws from the cold, hard winter sidewalks. We made a small donation then entered the main building to search for items we “didn’t know we needed”.
I picked up a few items we actually did need. I bought two bottles of spray solution for cleaning eyeglasses after negotiating a 2 for 1 deal. I also picked up 3 bottles of Listerine (Classic) Mouthwash for $10.

While I was “Dealing” Charlotte spotted a booth we visit each year. Hand crafted woven baskets are made, on site, at very reasonable prices. Charlotte wanted a basket to hold her cosmetics in a size that would fit on the bathroom counter next to the sink; however, she wasn’t sure which basket would fit. The price was so reasonable I told her to pick two that she thought would be suitable and she could always find a use for the one that doesn’t fit. My philosophy, in these situations, is: “Get both – It’s cheaper than gas!” (…and saves having to return).

We checked out several other items; however our only other purchase was a small basket of fresh tomatoes ($1.00) from the abundant selection of produce in the Farmers Market area.

Our next mission was to head to the Hobby Lobby in Mt. Dora. Another crafter showed Charlotte some fabric that was an absolute “Must Have”. Anytime we can find material related to or depicting scenes of “Camping/Trailers/RVing” it is a “Must Have”. Charlotte now has a piece of this material. No idea when or what it will be used for; however as I say: “It’s cheaper than gas!” I am sure she will find something that she can make with it and  that “something” will become even more special because of the neat material.

Hunger pangs necessitated a stop at Arby’s for a late lunch. Despite being early afternoon both the inside and the “Drive-Thru” were packed. Charlotte enjoyed the French Dip Roast Beef and I got a pair of plain  Arby’s Jr.’s to which I added enough “Horsey” Sauce (the white, horseradish stuff) to make my eyes water.
We enjoyed a “Topless” (the car – not us - grin) drive back to the park. The sky is now completely clouded over. Despite being quite dark there is no rain, as yet. The winds, that are picking up substantially, are ushering in this evening’s cold front.
We unloaded the car and I sheltered it under the car cover that I purchased last year. The “Live” oaks drop leaves that infiltrate everywhere. Last year the car fan had become totally packed with leaves that had been “Sucked In”. It had to be disassembled and cleared so it would work. The car cover is used more to keep the leaves from falling into the vents than it is to keep the car clean.
The remainder of Charlotte’s afternoon was spent placing her quilt into a small frame used to hold the material under tension. Then the sewing machine is used to stitch the areas that were being held taut.

We were not hungry for a big supper after the late meal at Arby’s. Instead we just finished the coffee cake.

A quick 10 minute downpour passed through the area as the cold front pushes the heat and moisture south.

As usual, Jeopardy was followed by Family Feud (Steve Harvey version) to start the TV evening. I finished the blog as we watched The Big Bang Theory.
Note: The windows will be closed for the night as the temps will drop into the 40’s F. This is a nearly 40 degree F drop from this afternoon’s high.
That’s it for today.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Wed – 28 Dec/16

We are back to being up by 7 a.m. – at least on Craft days.

The sewing machine was needed today so I drove Charlotte to the Craft Room. The early morning fog had now burnt off leaving clear blue skies; however the high dew point overnight left the car covered in a heavy layer of moisture as if it had been in a downpour.

Charlotte arrived before 9 a.m. She was the first there this morning. The park post office is next to the multi-purpose building. The boxes are in two banks of boxes on the outside wall. I checked our mailbox before returning to the car. I went to see if the activity calendar for January was out yet. It wasn’t. Later we would learn that they no longer put the calendars in the mailboxes. They are now in a holder on the other side of the Post Office.

Back at the RV my first task for this morning was to install the new coat hooks that I had purchased yesterday at Lowes. I would first determine if they would be suitable.  My concern was that they would be too large and not leave enough room to secure them to the overhead cabinet. I was relieved that they would fit and proceeded with preparing for the installation.
The next order of business was to start the computer. I have a collection of nearly 200 audio books (Audible). I started several years ago. Almost all are in the Crime/Mystery/Espionage genre. I will listen while I work at installing the coat hooks.

My listening choice for today is Robert Ludlum’s, “The Bourne Sanction”. This is a Jason Bourne novel written by Eric Van Lustbader. Eric assisted Ludlum in his final writings and now continues on with the Bourne series after Robert’s passing.
A bonus, with audiobooks, is that the narrator assumes the tone, accent and inflection of each character. In this case, Jeremy Davidson, does an excellent job changing voices as the words flow seamlessly from each character in the novel.

Next, I located my cordless drill case, picked the smallest unit, inserted a Phillips screwdriver bit and began removal of the old coat rod. Once off, I then centered the first of the five coat hooks on the overhead cabinet and secured it with the provided screws. I then installed a coat hook at each end of the cabinet. This made it easy to center the remaining two hooks on each side between the middle and an end hook. I “Eyeballed” center and soon another hook was in place. I repeated the procedure and securely fastened the last hook on the other side. All was now done. I then placed a variety of coats, previously on hangers on the coat rod, onto the hooks.
Each coat hook has two ends that spread out from the center at the bottom. These ends are at a 45 degree angle to each other, allowing for at least two coats per hook. Now the hooks hold a variety of light and heavier jackets, raincoats and sweaters. This new arrangement takes up less room than previously, yet each coat is still within easy reach of the door.

The heavier winter coats were placed for storage in an outside compartment until needed next year.
Next, I put the drill battery packs on charge and began to prepare lunch.

I had just enough time to prepare lunch (Tuna Fish Salad) while listening to the end of Chapter 10. Then it was time to return for Charlotte.
We enjoyed lunch while listening to the local TV news.

A cold front will arrive starting Thursday evening which will drop the temps to the mid-60’s F on Friday. That means it is “Our Duty” to enjoy the great weather today (and tomorrow).  We have been trying to change ASAP (As Soon As Possible) to WWFLI (Whenever We Feel Like It); however that is easier said, than done.

 I thought a little quiet reading might work. Santa (AKA, family) provides a “Bathroom Reading” gift each Christmas. This year’s gem was “Strange History…Mysterious Artifacts, Macabre Legends, Boneheaded Blunders & Mind-Blowing Facts.” That was good for about 10 minutes of reading; but it serves best at what it was intended for…Bathroom Reading.

Bonus: TMZ, on TV, was boring enough that Charlotte was able to have a short nap while I am thinking of postponing tasks, plugging in my earphones and listening to a few more chapters of my audio book.
I have come to the conclusion that “Work Ethic” is like “Conscience”. If something needs to be done, and it isn’t, a feeling of “Guilt” takes over. Actually, I do not think it is guilt as much as the need to achieve. The feeling of satisfaction, accomplishment and self-worth acquired when a task is completed successfully is a necessary component of happiness. It is similar to OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). It just is!

Recognition from others is important; but it is not our main focus. We must be able to internalize satisfaction from a task well done. That is what gives us enjoyment. I am sure this is why Charlotte enjoys crafts and quilting. It is also why I enjoyed installing the coat hooks in the RV this morning.

Conclusion:  We will be combining ASAP - As Soon As Possible and WWFLI (Whiff-Lee) - Whenever We Feel Like It. Our new approach will be AIDT (Aid-Tee) - All in Due Time. After all, we are retired!
Well, that was a waste of time; but it did keep me from doing any ASAP tasks.

We have decided – no more trying to do less in an effort to “Try to Relax”. From now on we will do whatever we need to, want to, like to or have to – as needed. No more thinking we should be “Taking it Easy!” No more feeling guilty for working too hard.
The truth is that we will just keep on doing what has worked for us all our lives.

That ends the rant!

Charlotte finished her well needed nap and woke in time to watch “Dr. Phil”.

We then went for an Orange Ice Cream at the Sunsational Orange in Umatilla, FL. Next it was to Advance Auto Parts for car cleaning stuff.  We crossed the road to Publix to pick up two (36) packs of “Green Mountain Breakfast Blend” Keurig Coffee Cups – they were on sale for a good price. Our last stop was Walgreens at the other corner. One of Charlotte’s curling irons quit working this morning. They only had one; but it was the correct size (diameter). All the time we enjoyed the fantastic weather with the top off on the Del Sol. It was still 78F at sunset.
We made it home in time for the evening news. I finished the blog while watching Jeopardy. It would then be a TV evening to wrap another great day here in Florida.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Tue – 27 Dec/16

Charlotte walked to crafts today and arrived before 9 a.m. The sewing machine was not required today. The weather is still giving clear blue skies and 10-15 degrees above the average; however it will drop to a more normal 70F by the weekend.

We will call our oldest daughter, Kathleen, to wish her Happy Birthday; however, we will let her sleep in for a bit first. She is manager of a wine store and this is the busiest time of year. The last thing we want to do is disrupt her day to sleep in!

We put out the awning – for protection! The older section of the park has numerous “Live Oak” trees. The reason they are called “Live” is because they do not drop their leaves in the fall (like up north). They fall continuously all year. The other problem is the deluge of acorns. Ouch! They really hurt when dropping from a hundred or more feet up. This appears to be a year for a “Bumper Crop” from the tree above our RV.

An RV neighbour, few years ago, moved to the open, treeless section of the park to escape the falling barrage of nuts, which sound like a gun shot when they hit the RV roof. This was definitely not good for a vet suffering post-traumatic stress syndrome.
My task while Charlotte is at crafts was to empty the bedroom closets so they can be reorganized. I can’t believe how much we managed to stuff into such a small space. We always bring too much! Charlotte can help sort when she returns. The more “Wintery” items can be stored in an outside compartment.
We will be doing a little organizing and Spring (Winter?) cleaning each day for the next little while. Our New Year’s resolution is to try to relax and take it easy a little more than in the past.

ASAP (As Soon As Possible) has become WWFLI (pronounced “whiff-lee” - Whenever We Feel Like It).

Works for me!
At 11:30 I started preparing lunch. Today will be breaded Alaskan Pollock with Cheddar and Bacon Scalloped Potatoes and Baby Lima Beans (with plenty of butter). The potatoes will simmer; however I won’t start the Lima beans until I see Charlotte coming down the sidewalk. We are on St. Lawrence, the main street. I should be able to spot her turning the corner a few short blocks away. Today’s session was going past the usual noon hour departure.

I watched and didn’t spot Charlotte walking. Then I realized she was riding with Kathy Lee in her golf cart. I frantically started the Lima Beans; however she was getting home too quickly and would have to wait a few minutes for lunch to be ready.
After lunch we phoned Kat to wish her Happy Birthday. I am glad we waited – she sounded tired.

Then it was time to re-order the closet. It all arrived for travel together. Now it was time to put it all back in. At least now there is a “His” and “Her” side to the clothes and shoes.

We headed out mid-afternoon for a few items. First stop was Jo-Ann fabrics (Tavares, FL) for a few craft things for Charlotte. Then it was a little bit down the road to Home Depot.

Kat called back – the house was cold when she stopped in to see Max and Jesse. The programmable thermostat had no info showing. Kathleen would pick up a set of new batteries and call me back.
I didn’t find the style for what I was looking for (coat hooks) so it was a little more down the road to Lowe’s. They had a larger selection; however, not what I really wanted. I bought (5) that I will try tomorrow. If not suitable I will look on the internet. As I arrived back at the car Kat phoned again. No luck with the thermostat – so she was off to Home Hardware for to buy new unit. I installed the original thermostat when we bought the house (new) over 25 years ago.

Last stop was at Publix to top up our groceries. Paper towels, cereal, Keurig coffee cups, Turkey Pot Pie, a Woman’s World magazine, a Febreze refill and PowerBall tickets. Then we were on our way back to OMS.
Part way to the RV park Kat called to let us know the heat was back on at home.  Breakers were switched off, the old unit removed and the new unit wired into the furnace’s circuit. What can I say – I’m proud of my girls – they can rise to any challenge.

We arrived and unpack just in time to sit down to watch Jeopardy and finish the blog.
That will wrap up another day in the Land of Sunshine.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Mon – 26 Dec/16

This will be a short and early entry.
I spent the last several hours trying to get the WI-Fi working on the computer – at least for more than a few moments.

That brings up the point – no blog most likely just means computer or internet problems – not anything more serious.
Computers can fail at any time. A bit of software can become corrupted and malfunction. Equipment can fail.  Hopefully, I finally located the problem and have it rectified.

Needless to say we didn’t go anywhere today. Charlotte worked on organizing her craft storage and supplies while I spent from 11 a.m. until now (almost 5 p.m.) trying to get the computer to function. 

Other folks came into the main clubhouse and connected to wi-fi. I could connect to wi-fi with my phone; but no luck with the computer.

It is a “Catch 22” situation – I could find suggestions for solutions on the internet – if only I could get on!
A computer, in the main clubhouse, can be used to access the internet so I sat at the table with my computer on one side and their screen showing internet sites on the other. Apparently it is a common glitch with many variations and solutions. I tried suggestion after suggestion yet nothing worked.

After trying numerous solutions I thought maybe, being an old computer (5 years is old in computer terms), perhaps the park wi-fi wasn’t broadcasting in the old wi-fi band. Newer versions of wi-fi have more than twice the range and broadcast at higher frequencies.
I switched to the Multi-purpose room at the other side of the park to try the wi-fi  there. Others connected; but I had still had no luck. This location does not have a computer on which to access the internet to seek solutions. I keep trying everything I could think of to solve the dilemma. On occasion it would show wi-fi available for the Multi-purpose room. I would try to connect; but eventually would get the message – “Could not connect”.

Using the "Device Manager" I kept uninstalling one piece of equipment after another. I would then turn off the computer and then re-start. Most modern devices that make up a computer are “Plug’n Play” which means if they are disconnected and removed then “Plugged” back in to the computer they will automatically re-install  upon a re-start.  If it is a software failure instead of a hardware problem this may, by trial and error,  eventually work.
Finally!  It now appears to be making a Wi-Fi connection and holding it. It was probably a software driver that had become corrupted and the re-installation appears to have corrected the issue. It just took a long time to find the problem.

Charlotte is probably wondering “What-in-the-World” had happened to me?
I will do today’s blog early (now) – while the Wi-Fi is still working. At least I will get back to the RV by 5 p.m.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Sun– 25 Dec/16

We were up and made our “Merry Christmas” calls home by 9 a.m. Santa made his rounds and all is well in the Great White North. They are expecting freezing rain back home which is why we are here in the 84F enjoying the sunny blue skies. The unusual 10-15 degrees above normal weather will return to normal temps by mid-week.

Despite the calendar stating today is December 25th it does not seem like Christmas without the cold and Christmas trees and decorations at night reflecting on the snow.
How time flies – we arrived a week ago!

We spent our usual Sunday morning watching – what else – CBS Sunday Morning. This is an hour and a half long respite from the usual news, which down here, is mostly bad. The main TV that we receive (by aerial) covers the Daytona to Orlando, FL area. On any given night the stories are about horrors and crimes that take us a year to hear on TV back home. Despite the population here being 10 times ours, the tragic stories are still way out of proportion. This is why CBS Sunday Morning is a regular watch.

Christmas Dinner is a potluck event in the main clubhouse at 1 p.m. In “RV Park” terms that means if you are a half hour early - you are already 15 minutes late!
As usual we met wonderful folks at our table. Danny and Nancy, as it turns out, are only a few sites  down on our street (St. Lawrence). We not only had a great meal; we had a great time talking with them. It is a small world indeed. We are familiar with where they live in Gloucester, MA. We can’t wait to see the new movie “Manchester by the Sea” which was virtually filmed in their own backyard. (Actually, across the street).

OMS provides the ham for the meal and everyone else brings “the fixin’s”. Charlotte’s contribution was traditional stuffing – even though there will be “no bird” at the meal. Last night Charlotte chopped the celery and onion and prepared it with the mixture of spices. Everything will be mixed just before our departure so it will arrive hot. Charlotte’s use of chicken broth rather than water makes it extra tasty.
The hall was packed as were the serving tables. With so many choices, it is hard to get a taste of everything – the plates are only so big. Needless to say I felt as stuffed as a turkey!

Needless to say, nothing is planned (or possible) for the rest of the day. We are just taking it easy and enjoying the day – complete with a minute long “Sun Shower”.
Merry Christmas, one and all!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Sat– 24 Dec/16

Merry Christmas Everyone!
I better do that before I forget.
Since we have Christmas in November (before we leave) it just does not feel like Christmas (not that mid-80’sF and sunny would have anything to do with that). It’s just not the same without snow (not that I’m complaining).

Today we were off to Renninger’s Twin Markets (Antique & Flea) on the outskirts of Mt. Dora just off US-441.
Today a number of locations were closed including the mini-donuts that we had planned on visiting (a usual purchase). We did all the main (indoor) rows before departing for lunch. We had to fill the gap left by no mini-donuts. Our only purchase was a 10 pack of mini fertilizer for the plants Charlotte bought yesterday.

Naturally, we were headed for Chili’s; which we missed, as usual. Going East we always miss the entrance to Chili’s even when we know where it should be and we are in the “Granny Lane” looking for the sign.
If you read my “Traffic Planner” rant a few days ago you will understand how I feel about municipalities that only allow “Monument Signs”. These are signs that are the height of a grave stone marker. I can understand why these righteous citizens do not want to spoil the esthetical beauty inherent in the miles and miles of multi-lane (in this case 6 wide) roads zoned commercial. It is also understandable that the 45-55 mph wall-to-wall traffic should not be hindered by signs large and high enough to be read easily by anyone whizzing by. These regulations, of course, must include requirements that shrubs and trees be planted to add to the beautification of this pastoral setting. They fact that they block most of the view of the signage, of course, is not relevant. Heaven forbid that adequate signage might also prove to be a benefit to both the tax paying businesses and their customers. Unfortunately, this is common everywhere we travel; making it difficult, especially for travelers, to locate the services they require.

As per normal we passed Chili’s, U-turned at the next traffic  light, made another U-turned again when we passed Chili’s and then we were able to turn into the single allotted entrance for that block (in both directions) of businesses.

Once inside, as creatures of habit, we placed our usual orders. Charlotte enjoyed the Tableside Guacamole Dip appetizer with an Arnold Palmer while I had a half-order of Texas Cheese (w/bacon) Fries (no Jalapeno) and a Dr. Pepper.

Charlotte prefers the “Tableside” version of the Guacamole. It is made fresh at the table she can cancel the Jalapeno and request extra lime. From experience, I have learnt to only place a half-order of the Texas Cheese Fries appetizer so I can finish it completely. Charlotte always knows she will be taking half home for later. That’s all we order. (No clue how people can order these as appetizers and still eat a full meal?)
It was 2 p.m. as we emerged from Chili’s. This time of year it is when the Florida daytime temps usually peak. It was now 84F with a sky full of big, puffy white clouds. We enjoyed the 20 minute drive back to OMS with the top off and the windows down. This is a real treat after leaving home in -40F.
The remainder of the “Outside” chairs were removed from the RV and placed on the patio.

This will be a “Relaxation Afternoon/Evening” – at least we will try! (Boy – This is Hard!)
Charlotte and I will relax with TV (Forensic Files, etc).

OK! Little odds and end jobs will be done now and then. How else can we fill the numerous commercial spots?

I will work on the computer (surprise!) as I watch (listen). I have designed a custom data base program to store our needed information. I will update and print out Charlotte’s Boyd’s Bear list (now 228 items) and our Concert List (now almost 100 acts – over 100 if counting multiple attendances of the same artist over the years).

I will also add to my travel database program (over 7700 items w/addresses and phone numbers) and modify my Movie Database (4500 listings with detailed info - including over 16000 TV episodes).

What can I say – I like to keep track of things!

Outside of that we will do our best to scale back and relax (grin).

No other “outside the park” excursions planned for today. I will now publish the blog a few hours earlier and then relax (Right!).

That’s it for another day.

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 23, 2016

Fri – 23 Dec/16

Another lovely day is in store with clear blue skies, low humidity and temps almost to 80F.
Wow! It has already been a week since we left!

We are trying to get into a “Relax” mode; but it is hard. After a lifetime of doing everything that needed to be done ASAP; slowing down isn’t easy! The RV is still not totally unpacked and organized yet. It would normally be all set in a day or two.
Instead of Go-Go-Go we are going to do SLOW-SLOW-SLOW - --or at least try!

Today I will pick just a few items to check off the TO DO List! Yesterday, it was the windshield privacy screens – today it will be setting up Charlotte’s Sewing Material storage area.
All this will start after breakfast and the morning email check.

I found all the parts and assembled the sewing area shelving before noon.
Charlotte went for a walk to the Sewing Room. She knew Jean would be there until noon and she could give her a package of the Quilt Piecing Sheets we picked up yesterday.

Old habits die hard! While Charlotte was gone I added the Steering Wheel Table for good measure. Charlotte will put the table cloth on when she digs it out from the storage under the bed.
Perhaps a gradual de-escalation of our ASAP Work Ethic will work?

When Charlotte returned we booked a Cat Boat Tour.
It appears to be very popular. The first open date was New Year’s Eve Day. I got the last 2 left for 1 p.m.

It is a 2 hour guided tour featuring CraigCat powerboats (2 persons per Cat Boat). I will drive it myself.

We have taken tours down the Mt. Dora Canal through the 2,000 year-old cypress tree lined jungle waterway.

The Dora Canal has been called "The Most Beautiful Mile in the World. (It’s a 1930’s quote)

Scenes from the movie ’The African Queen’ with Humphrey Bogart, were filmed in the Dora Canal as well as various Tarzan movies.

Our tour will be fully narrated and guided. We will start at Gilbert Park just two blocks from downtown Mt. Dora. We will see the sights of the Mt. Dora shoreline and then cruise at high speed across Lake Dora to the Dora Canal which connects Lake Dora to Lake Eustis.

It should be fun!

The weather is just perfect today. Charlotte is enjoying is reading Dr. Hyde’s book “Jakob’s Ghost”. We are lucky enough to have him as our physician. Not only is he recognized world-wide (he has spoken twice – by invitation - to the House of Lords in London, UK) he is a fine author, as well. We were fortunate to receive, as a gift, a signed copy of this limited edition publication that chronicles his early (in his 20’s) life. I found it a fascinating read! Stuff that movies are made of!

Hey! We can’t waste such a lovely day! It will almost touch 80F this afternoon. We are off into the sunshine in the Del Sol with the top off!

A half hour after leaving we made our first stop at the Market at Marion, FL. This is a large area Flea Market that is (thankfully) not quite as busy on Friday as on the weekend.

In the first row that we entered Charlotte spotted some “Boyd’s Bears”. I had to go back to the car to get her “Boyd’s List”. With a few hundred “Bears” in her collection it is impossible to remember every one she has at home. Good Thing – there were 3 she would have duplicated! Charlotte did find 4 Boyd’s Bear (Resins) to add to her collection.

She also found a real neat purse that was needed to replace her current one which is too small for all her “current stuff”.

We also purchased boiled (in the shell) and salted, shelled peanuts as well as “Tupelo” Honey. Tupelo Honey had a really bad season this year making it scarce and almost doubling the price. It is now very hard to find. This dealer had only a few left.  Local honey can be bought for ¼ the price; but we really like Tupelo and find it worth the extra ($20) cost for even a small jar.

We then headed into Lady Lake, FL (The Villages area) to check if that Jo-Ann Fabrics store had the Quilt Piecing Sheets we bought yesterday. We had purchase the last 2 packs that were available in the Tavares, FL store. Luckily, they had 2 which I also bought for Charlotte.

Next it was across the road to Home Depot. Charlotte was now looking for a plant to place on the Steering Wheel Table to keep her “Snow People” company. I tried to get keys made for the RV (to replace the one’s we left for security, at the park office). Charlotte was successful – I was not.

Home Depot does not stock RV type keys; however, I was referred to a locksmith about a mile up the road. I knew just where he was located, got the extra keys and we were now heading for supper.

This section of Lady Lake is 6 lanes of “Wall-to-Wall” traffic at most times. An accident involving several wrecked cars and injuries was just clearing up at this corner. Being familiar with the area I was able to avoid the mess by turning off US-27/US-441 onto CR-25. This is the way we usually always take anyway. It is shorter, faster and less hectic (traffic-wise). We are certainly glad everyone doesn’t know this route.

Bonus: it was also the way we were heading anyway. Being Friday, we were going for the “All-You-Can-Eat” Fish Fry at “Gator Joe’s Bar and Grill on the beach (Lake Wier) in Ocklawaha, FL. This is always great. They automatically bring a refill – we take as much home as we eat!

After a leisurely supper on the deck over the beach we headed back the OMS. The extra hour or more before sunset (compared to up north) is really nice. We were back at the RV about 5:50 p.m. That was 15 minutes after sunset and it was still not dark.

I will do the blog while we watch Jeopardy! Nothing elso, except TV, planned for this evening.

That’s a wrap!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Thu – 22 Dec/16

We are gradually getting up earlier. I drove Charlotte (along with her sewing machine and supplies) to the Multi-purpose room for 9 a.m.
On my return to the motorhome I used my phone as a hotspot to go on-line to check the local entertainment and plan for the next few months. I checked out The Villages Entertainment (both

“The Sharon”

and “The Savannah Center”)

as well as the Orange Blossom Opry in Weirsdale, FL for upcoming shows.

I passed on the shows we do not usually attend including Broadway type shows, opera, ballet and classical (I know – we just ain’t got class!).
I also passed on a few acts we have seen before and a few “Tribute” shows that we were not “Fans” of the “Stars”.

I also passed on a few that were too expensive for our level of fan enthusiasm. Almost $200 each was too much to pay for Johnny Mathis!
Big names sell out quickly – a few only had single seats left. (That happened to us last year for Willie Nelson).
I then ordered the tickets and printed them out (2 sets). We will keep one set on our “Event Rack” in the RV and the other set in the car. That way we won’t forget them we leave for the show.
Our list, from Jan 6 until Mar 6, include:
Herman’s Hermits; Rich Little; The Association; The Everly Brothers Experience; Bobby Bare; Jay and The Americans; B.J. Thomas; The Kingston Trio; The Diamonds and Hotel California.
Unusually, there are none for February – most of the shows available at the moment are not of interest (plays, etc) or feature performers we are not big fans of. We can always fill with trips to “The Villages” as each of the 3 Town Centers feature free live music in the Town Squares every day of the year. Then there are always the Quilt Shows, Craft Fairs, Festivals and Flea Markets if we get bored.
I checked with Charlotte (before I was to return to pick her up) to see if my choices were OK!  I was recruited for a mission. Half of the sewing group are from Canada ( as is 20-30% of southern RV parks in Winter). They want to do a project that commemorates Canada’s 150th Birthday in 2017. I was asked to see if I could print the coloured pattern on Taylor “Perfect Piecing Foundation Sheets.” This blank, transparent, non-woven material is made for pattern printing and positioning. The pattern is sewn and the sheet can either be left in as a stabilizer or easily removed, as it is non-woven and easily torn away.
Mission accomplished: I was able to scan, copy and print out 2 sets of 6 pages each with the material I was given. I returned the finished product when it was time (Noon) to pick up Charlotte.

We were now on another mission! Several more sets would be needed for the other ladies who wished to do this project so we were off to Jo-Ann Fabrics in Tavares, FL.
By now the temperature was above 70F with clear blue skies. This was our first “Topless” trip (Convertible) since arriving – it was gloriously good! We also avoided the main (hectic) roads and took our usual leisurely route along the lakeshore (Eustis, FL) – most of which is at 30 mph.
At Jo-Ann’s, we bought the last 2 packs of “Piecing Sheets” in stock; however, this should be sufficient. Charlotte also was “Forced” to choose 21 “Fat Quarters”, as necessitated by the $0.99 sale price (reg. $2.49). You can never have enough “Fat Quarters”!

It was now 1:30 p.m. and there was a need for food. Have no fear!  I knew just what to do! Ichiban (Japanese Buffet) in Leesburg, FL was only a few miles down the road. An hour and a half later we departed. It is not that we ate a lot – it’s that we (actually) took our time with only a few items per plate, per trip. After all, we are retired!

On the way back to OMS we detoured for a stop at “Sew What?” in Umatilla, FL. We wanted  to say, “Hi” to the owner, Norlina. This is where Charlotte (and most everyone else in the park) comes to do long-arm quilting. Long arm quilting machines can embroider a full quilt with any fancy pattern you wish to guide it into creating. Norlina is just a “Super Person” …helpful, friendly, etc., etc.  We were just checking in to let her know we were back and had more quilts to finish.
 It was only a few miles from Sew What? back to OMS. By the time we unpacked the  sewing supplies it was almost 4 p.m. My final project for the day was to install the privacy screen on the motorhome’s front and side windows. This screen allows us to look out during the day yet still be private. It also keeps the interior cooler by reducing sunlight heating the interior.
As I was working, Tom, one of the first folks we met here a few years ago, at OMS, stopped by as he was riding by on his bike. We chatted for a bit and I was still able to finish the installation before dark.
Then it happened! CRASH! The last week just caught up with us! We both realized we were both tired! We just turned on the TV, closed our eyes and both had a nap. Fortunately, we woke just in time for Jeopardy!
Odds and end TV channel surfing until bedtime (again). That does it for today!