Thursday, March 08, 2012

Thu - Mar 8/12

Catherine managed quite well despite her delay in travelling yesterday. "Jet Lag" is much easier going West. It's going East that is the hardest.

Charlotte went to the sewing room while Catherine relaxed around the RV. I took the picture while she was still setting up after I went to the office to pay the "Guest Fee" for Catherine's visit. I then returned to the RV to finish the daily blog. By the time we settled in last night after the plane delay and the ride (nearly an hour) here from the airport it was close to 2:30 am (which was 4:30 am for Catherine).

Charlotte joined us after the morning sewing session. She displayed the "Flying Geese" pattern that the group was working on for this session's project (place mats).

Charlotte and Catherine walked over to the Open House at Superstition Views. I biked over when I finished the blog to join them for the "free lunch". Who says "there is nothing free any more?" Again, live entertainment, as we ate. I had a nice conversation with a neighbour who is planning a trip to Quebec City, QC in the fall. I filled him in on things to do and see - fall foilage included.

The girls later enjoyed viewing the open models. The designs are nice; but not really suited to the 55+ group. Design concepts don't always fit reality. We all agreed on the difficulty posed by the circular staircases to the roof top "Margarita Deck". Ooops! ...."Sunshine Deck"... my fault! They no longer call it a "Margarita Deck" - that implies alcohol consumption which is not "politically correct". (Don't get me going on "politically correct!" We figure the number of 55+ with leg problems, balance problems, etc. would find it quite difficult to take a tray of food or drinks up the stairs. We felt insecure just trying to get up the narrow triangular steps that circled to the top and we weren't carry anything! Give me a straight staircase with a good handrail any day.

Catherine and Charlotte took the footpath to the Main Ballroom for "Happy Hour". Have you ever noticed that "Happy Hour" is always more than an hour long? Here it is celebrated from 3 pm to 5 pm. Today the festivities were held inside instead of on the patio due to the cooler temperatures and the brisk breeze.

As usual many folks "line danced" while others enjoyed the drinks and snacks. It is also a great time for conversations and making new park acquaintances.

Charlotte made a great supper. Pork tenderloin with gravy over rice and steamed broccoli rounded off with a large slice of carrot cake.....mmmm.

We will now settle in for an evening of TV....Millionaire....Family Feud....Person of Interest, etc.

Better rest! I'm sure we will find something interesting to do tomorrow.

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