Monday, March 05, 2012

Mon - Mar 5/12

Today was an "In Park" Day.

Charlotte went to the Monday Morning Park Meeting. I stayed at the RV with the hopes of being able to get on the Wi-Fi while most folks were at the meeting. I had only partial success.

George Dyer was a guest at the morning announcements.  He was promoting "Canyon Vistas Day" at his show on March 14th. at the Dutton Family Theatre in Mesa, AZ. George was just awarded Branson Vocalist of the Year by It was easy to understand why he received the award. When he sang "The Impossible Dream" he received a standing ovation from the "Monday Morning Crowd" and everyone knows the "Monday Morning Crowd" are tough critics! Needless to say I subsequently was obliged to go to the activity office and reserve seats for his show. I also picked up tickets for the 50's & 60's Coffee Shop Show on the 24th. This is a good reason to attend the Monday Morning Announcements - you never know what new event may be added to the entertainment calendar.

Charlotte went to "Pen & Ink" after lunch until 3 pm. She finished her second project today. Another great job! She is now on project #3.

I did more tidying up in the RV in preparation for her sister Catherine's upcoming visit. Catherine will be flying in late Wednesday for 2 weeks. We are anxious to welcome her (again) to the park.

At 3 pm I joined Charlotte at the Manager's Reception on the patio. Quite a crowd - at least twice last year's turnout. The crowd was larger than expected. They ran out of snacks; but, thankfully the beer supply was sufficient! We danced on the patio between conversations or was it visa versa? The music by Ted & Sue was great - a little bit rock n' roll; a little bit country (grin). They played more than the usual number of slow tunes which meant we got to dance more than usual number of dances.

We met some wonderful folks from Wisconsin (Packers fans - of course!). Like Charlotte and myself, they were both teachers who had met at school and eventually married. Two other couples joined our table when the park staff where able to round up extra chairs. The RV Park atmosphere makes it easy to say "Hi" and strike up a conversation - something you would not normally do in a hotel setting.

Today was also "Cinqo de Marcho" - AKA - Cinqo de Mayo for snowbirds. Since most of the snowbirds have returned home by May we celebrate in March. Margueritas on the patio (at the Manager's Reception) and Mexican (food) in the Main Ballroom make it a fun (and filling) event. Tom, one of the new folks we met on the patio, did a good job of picking a table. We were called third in the random drawing held to chose the order tables line up for the food. Two more delightful guests (one, also a teacher) joined us for the meal which was not only tasty; but filling.

If there is a dull moment in the park - it's your own fault!

We returned to the RV where Charlotte started her third Pen & Ink project. I had a little trouble getting on the Wi-Fi; but eventually got some mail. The important one I was waiting for was from our daughter (Kat) who had just accepted a new position offer and is moving from being the manager of one business in town (Cornwall, ON) to a similar position with another business (also in town). She is looking forward to the new challenges. Needless to say, we are proud of her accomplishments.

As Mr. Rogers would say..."It's a beautiful day in this neighbourhood!"

(P.S. - Trivia - Fred Rogers developed his show in Toronto, ON with the help of the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) where it ran for 3 years before he bought the rights for the show and moved it to WQED in Pittsburgh, PA.)

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