Monday, March 05, 2012

Sun - Mar 4/12

We are experiencing ups and down in the weather. Above 80's F for today and tomorrow then low 60's mid-week and back to the 80's by next weekend. Still nothing like the tornado flurry through the mid-west and south-east where the death toll is now over 60.

Charlotte finished the hand stitching and her quilt is now complete - just in time for her sister's visit. It's the perfect size for the guest bed. Catherine is coming in Wednesday for 2 weeks. We are looking forward to her visit.

I connected the new video switcher to the outside TV and enjoyed watching the NASCAR race that was happening this weekend at P.I.R. (Phoenix International Raceway). 140,000 spectators and over 5000 RV's at the race. Amazingly, at the end of the race the second place car, despite running out of gas, had enough momentum (and lead on the other cars) to coast to the end - still in second place.

Did the recycling on our way to the pool. A lot of kids today in swimming - it's spring break somewhere!

Not much on TV on Sunday night so we left it on the "Big Bang Theory" and "Two and a Half Men" re-runs. These two shows are always good for a laugh.

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