Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sat - Feb 18/12

A little excitement this morning just outside the park entrance on the westbound side of US-60. An accident had the already slow traffic (due to the Medieval Festival just down the road) down to a crawl. Folks were out watching as an Emergency Helicopter thumped overhead looking for a spot to land.

We later took our bikes for a ride in the new (Superstition Views) area.

Folks were using the Bocce Ball and Tennis Courts. There are still no residents in this area yet. 

The large "H" shaped pool is nearing completion.

We then took a self-guided tour of the display buildings. We went up to one of  the rooftop "Margarita Decks" to watch the Emergency Helicopter take off.

Charlotte was having a hard time pedalling so we traded bikes. I discovered her bike was stuck in the highest gear. After dinner I spent the rest most of the afternoon tuning up her bike.

I had to re-align the handlebars that may have shifted slightly on the trip down. I tightened and aligned her mirror as well as fixing a seat spring that lost a washer and nut. When all appeared ship-shape I took out my large compressor and brought the tires on both bikes up to the correct pressure.

Charlotte took it for a spin around the block and liked the improvement in the ride.

We had planned on going swimming but changed our mind due to the brisk breeze even though it was sunny and 79F. We also changed our mind about going shopping for a few odds and ends after the Medieval Festival crowd had left at closing. By the time everyone had cleared out of the festival it was close to dar,

The Arizona Renaissance Festival has been an annual tradition for over two decades (24th. year). It is a medieval amusement park attraction with 12 theatre stages, a 30-acre circus, an arts and crafts fair, and a jousting tournament all rolled into one non-stop, day-long family adventure that happens just a few miles from our RV Park. It runs from 10 am to 6 pm. every Saturday and Sunday from February 11 through April 1st. (including the upcoming Presidents’ Day this Monday). This makes getting in and out of our park difficult due to the increased traffic flow. It is tricky at best of times.

The Festival has more than 2,000 brightly costumed actors, dancers, and musicians who roam the medieval replica village. There are over 200 elaborately adorned shops offering an array of traditional goods. The 12 stages offer over 150 shows each day. There is a great variety of food for feasting, and a bevy of beverages including Medieval Margaritas, Da Vinci Coladas, Dukes of Daiquiri, wine, turkey legs, honey mead, beers and ales, along with soft drinks and lemonade for the kids.

No wonder weekend traffic is crazy here! Maybe will leave early tomorrow before the rush?

1 comment:

Phoenix stuff said...

Arizona Renaissance Faire is back for it's 27th year every Saturday and Sunday from February 7 through March 29, 2015. Hours are from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm