Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Tue - Feb 7/12

The main mission today was the follow-up meeting regarding Charlotte's Angiogram during her recent hospitalization.

We left for the Tri-City Cardiology offices in the Banner Heart Hospital to arrive at 1 pm.

The hospital has free parking. Valet service is also free. If you park it yourself they will shuttle you to the front door by golf cart.

On entering the hospital's main lobby we were greeted by beautiful piano music played on a grand piano situated to the right of the entrance. The lady at the keyboard was still playing when we left after the appointment.

At the office we were met with the usual, forms and more forms. No wonder they want you to arrive at least 20 minutes before appointment time. This office complex is huge. There are at least 40-50 people working here and as many folks in the waiting room.

To maximize the doctors (all heart specialists) they have dedicated (with PhD's) assistants who relay the results and answer any questions. After passing through a number of staff - and more forms - we met our consultant. He was pleasant and  informative. The good news is that everything is stable. Charlotte did not have a heart attack (as confirmed by comparing the EKG with the one taken in November that I had provided). It was a spasm that caused the arteries to constrict resulting in the chest pressure, feeling of hard pounding heartbeats and rise in blood pressure.

He said Charlotte's heart was operating at 60%. We thought this was a problem until he explained that the average heart operates at 55%. Her triple by-pass rating - after 9 years - was exceptional. No blockage in 2 of the 3 and only a little (30%) in the third. They felt that a medication adjustment and the additional meds they prescribed should manage this. If it did occur again - a shot of nitro should eliminate the symptoms and she should not be overly concerned unless their was pain that continued (Charlotte never did have pain).

What a relief!

Being it was the beginning of rush hour when we left the hospital we decided to celebrate with an early Dinner/Supper. The Power Road / Superstitions Springs area has virtually every service and restaurant within a mile of the US-60 interchange. This time our choice was  at T.G.I. Friday's for their 2 for $20 meal that includes a shared appetizer and dessert with 2 entrees. We shared the Fried Mozzarella (sticks) as an appetizer; Charlotte had the pork chop entree and I, the sirloin. Dessert was the Brownie Obsession. We were stuffed.

It was the tail end of rush hour when we finished. To avoid the crush on US-60 we, as usual, took Baseline Road back to the RV.

A UPS package was waiting on our step when we returned. I had ordered some accessories through Amazon for Charlotte's new Brother Sewing/Quilting Machine. Original parts at discounted prices - yeh! Just saving the taxes (compared to back home) is a big discount!

As usual, it was NCIS night on TV.

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