Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Mon - Feb 6/12

Not a lot on the agenda today.

Charlotte continued working on her quilt squares in the morning. The weather was cloudy and only high 60's F. The clouds look like rain - but it doesn't.

We brought the recycling to the dumpsters in the early afternoon  before heading off to the U.S. Post Office to mail forms to the Canadian Travel Health Insurance Company. They wanted forms filled out regarding Charlotte's recent claims. They originally sent a waiver form for the Quebec Provincial Health Plan and I had to call them to get an Ontario Plan waiver.

We took the slower; but main roads (not US-60) to Camping World as it was now rush hour. I had heard they had a DISH satellite receiver on a pay-as-you-go plan. Every time I tried to get a U.S. satellite receiver for  the RV they always wanted an American S.I.N. (Social Ins.) number. Now Canadians can get the receiver without a USA S.I.N. but, they need and American address and credit card - duh! What's wrong with cash?

We did pick up two folding containers where we will store our (dirty) laundry (grin) as well as 2 plastic measuring cups.

I gassed up at a station with the lowest price we had seen all day - $3.34. Most stations were at $3.43. I figure this fit my - "A scheduled delivery is coming soon and they need more room in their tanks theory".

Now we were off for supper - Charlotte wanted a burger. I went to the Heart Attack Grill in Chandler, AZ. The Heart Attack Grill is a burger restaurant that has courted controversy by serving high-calorie menu items with deliberately provocative names in a hospital theme.

Waitresses ("nurses") take orders ("prescriptions") from the customers ("patients"). A tag is wrapped on the patient's wrist showing which foods they order and a "doctor" examines the "patients" with a stethoscope. The menu includes "Single", "Double", "Triple", and "Quadruple  Bypass" burgers, ranging from 8 to 32 ounces (up to about 8,000 calories) and all-you-can-eat "Flatliner Fries" (cooked in pure lard). Burgers can be topped with "unadulterated" (not drained of the grease from the cooking fat) bacon slices in quantities of four slices per patty  - that's16 slices of bacon on the Quadruple which also comes with eight slices of cheese, a whole tomato and half an onion and is served on a bun coated with lard!

Soft drinks such as "Jolt" and Mexican bottled Coca-Cola made with real sugar are served. Customers over 350 lb eat for free if they weigh in with a "doctor" or "nurse"  before each burger. Heart Attack Grill also offers  the "Butter-fat Shake," in three flavours of milkshakes (vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry),  so named because it is made from butter fat cream. Keeping with the theme they serve FAT Bastard wines, and liquor shots served in 4 ounce novelty syringes. Although they don't 'pander to kids' like some large, fast-food chains they do offer kids candy cigarettes (I haven't seen those since I was a kid!).

Unfortunately, it was closed! Apparently, they closed their doors in Chandler a few months after their larger-than-life (literally - 6ft 8in and 575-pounds) spokesperson, died at the age of just 29 from pneumonia after a bout of flu. Ironically, I think he coined their " Taste Worth Dying For!" advertising line. They did opened in Las Vegas a few months later. Just maybe - if we go home that way?

So, it was off to Choice #2 - our new favourite - Fatburger (notice a theme here?). These are as close to old-fashioned, home cooked burgers as you can get.

A quick stop at Michael's (craft supplies) in the same plaza complex and again at Hobby Lobby in the complex across the road and we were headed back to the RV on the Loop 202 which was easy travelling now that rush hour was over.

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