Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sun - Feb 26/12

We went for a bike ride in the "Superstition Views" section. Pedalling was much easier for Charlotte after I "tuned" up her bike last week. The rough ride section while coming down to Arizona in the RV had shaken a few things loose or out of alignment.

I made my "Baked Potato Hash" for dinner while waiting for the Daytona 500 to start. As I said previously, the drive to Arizona is worth it - Florida's weather is too unpredictable over the long period. A week of 45F is great during the mid-winter school break when it is - 40F back home - even if it does rain - seems great. To have that pattern over 3 months or more isn't as pleasant.

The race will be run tomorrow at noon (EST)! I'm glad they cancelled - now we won't miss anything by going for a swim.

An hour of "Walking on in Water" ( I do the "Noodle Bug" - using pool noodles to float while I tread water). It's a good "low impact" workout - I haven't fallen yet! Charlotte gets out about 20 minutes before I do to dry in the sun. We she feels "crinkly" she signals it is time to go.

Back from swimming we hung our towels on the lounge chairs to dry and when in for supper which  was a "Re-Hash" (grin) - leftovers from dinner.

We watched a "60 minutes" special "Taking Flight with the Birdmen" featuring extreme sportsmen wearing specially made "wingsuits" who come about as close to flying as you can get outside the confines of an airplane, at least for a minute or two. At the same time we were looking out the front RV window and watched a pair of ultralights flying over the desert. Imagine - we use to think hang gliders and ultralight pilots were daring - how mundane!

The evenings TV - of course - was "The Academy Awards". Perhaps we will be intrigued enough to go out to see one of the winning movies - there is so little that is good!

Tomorrow promises to be quite windy with a drop into the low 60's F for a few days before climbing back into the mid-70's F. We take the bad with the good as best we can.

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