Monday, February 20, 2012

Sun - Feb 19/12

A quiet day today.

I made a large bacon and egg brunch so we passed on lunch.

I spent the morning checking out a phone call from my bank in Canada. I received an automated call from their security division. I checked out the number before returning the call to verify that the call was not fraudulent. Apparently somehow one of my credit cards has been compromised. An entry for $1 and another for $10 was attempted on two different internet sites but the purchases were blocked. I have not used that card for a few months so I asked how they could have done this. The said there are numerous methods including using a computer to attempt purchases using randomly generated numbers. They try a small amount in the hopes of being successful. If a few small amounts work they then try large amounts.

Charlotte laid out her quilt on the RV floor to align it for stitching the top to the batting and the backing. I helped a bit with pinning the parts together. "Playing" on the floor somehow isn't as much fun or as easy as when we were kids. This was tiring work. As a result we passed on the thought of shopping until Monday.

NBC was featuring "Hockey Day in America" with several games throughout the day. I almost thought I was in Canada. Normally "Hockey" is a foreign word rarely featured on the local stations.

I guess we just needed the rest.

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