Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Wed - Mar 7/18

The rain through the night has passed on by 9 a.m. this morning.

Sunny today; but a little cooler with temps just above 70 F.

Stu sent a warning - most interstates up north, especially PA, are closed because of snow. We are currently planning to leave Friday. This looks to be the best "Travel Window". We will keep checking the weather.

I use a NOAA (Graphical Forecasts - CONUS Area) site to check national forecasts for the next several days. Clicking on the different days/times/temp/pop gives the map for that combination which gives a good idea what we will be up against and where when traveling. Using this info we are planning to depart on Friday.

Martha also sent a note - she has a few Cat Toys for Charlotte. I sent an e-Mail reply saying Charlotte was going to drop by later. Charlotte had a few of her embroidered hand towels for Martha as a "Thank You". Before we could go Martha's husband dropped by with the "Catnip" toys. Charlotte passed on the towels to him for Martha.

Today was a day for more packing organization.

I also put "Freezer Packs" (8) in the freezer to get them cold for the trip home. We have to keep a few items cold (medicine); but won't need to run the refrigerator. The packs should keep in cool enough until we get home.

Then we took our last trip to "The Villages" for the season in the early afternoon. We utilized all the "Slow Back Roads" to get to Lake Sumter Landing. Our only time on US-441 was when we crossed it at an intersection. We were happy to stay out of the traffic. It was a nice "Top Off" ride in the sunshine, as well.

We made a stop at IZOD/Van Heusen to use our $$ bonus before they expire. The only factory store close to home is in Lake Placid, NY and we wouldn't be going there anytime soon. I was able to use all  my bonuses ($30) on top of the 70% discount. It was worth the trip.

We walked the streets; but only bought a few items (Pyrex Dishes and Cooking Temp Probe) at the Kitchen Collection.

We took the same route we used to get here to return to OMS. We still had the top off (after 5 p.m.). It was starting to cool down. Tonight it might drop to below 40 F.

We made it back to the RV in time for the 6 p.m. news. We also managed to use the last of the Marie Callender Turkey Pot Pies from the freezer. The refrigerator is now almost empty in prep for the trip home.

We had to put on the Fireplace w/heat to take the chill off  as we proceeded to watch our usual TV programs to the evening.

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