Saturday, March 03, 2018

Sat - Mar 3/18

The "Cold Spell" has arrived! It dropped to the 40's F last night and it is only going up to the 70 F during the day for the remainder of the week. The weather forecasts are billing this as a "Sunny, Clear and Cool" and time for a light jacket.

The A/C is off and the curtains are open to allow the RV to heat up.

Today OMS was having an "Open House and Yard and Craft Sale" for the public from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Normally, because this is a "Gated" RV park, folks can't just enter the park to wander around. Anyone wishing to "See the Park" has to book a tour at the office. Today, the park is open to the Public. They may enter, park at the entrance and go to the sale. If they wish to see the park they will be taken on a guided tour in a multi-person golf cart. This event also coincides with Umatilla's Community-Wide "Garage Sale" being held this weekend.

We made a trip to the dumpster. The temporary overnight parking area for late arrivals at the park entrance was in use for the Yard and Craft Sale. 

It was right across from the dumpster and we had to check it out. 

Charlotte found a few items at Martha's table and an item at another table near the end of the show. I made a purchase as well and "thought" about a few others. Sometimes it is hard to resist a good deal for something you may not ever use. It's like keeping junk just in case you need it someday.

Then it was back to the motorhome to relax until our afternoon show at the Orange Blossom Opry. Charlotte watched TV and continued knitting her quilt. It is about 75% complete. She may have to finish it at home?

I worked on the computer trying to plan our trip home. The Nor' Easter hitting the upper east coast with almost Category 2 Hurricane force wind gusts will pass; but another is expected in a few days. We may have to leave early to travel in between the best of the bad weather.

Lunch was just a piece of pie Blueberry Pie we purchased from Blue Bayou Farms. Mmmm...Great!

We left for the show at 1:30 p.m. It was a beautiful drive under a clear blue sky. The sunshine felt great on the face as we traveled on SR-450 at a slower than speed limit rate as there was no traffic behind us. We had to increase to the speed limit once we hit CR-42 that took us right to the Opry.

Our usual treat here was popcorn and water (Charlotte) and Diet Coke (Moi) while we sat in our seats waiting for the start of the show. Today Charlotte just had a "Sprite".

Our show (2:30 p.m.) today was "Ricky Nelson Remembered" featuring Gunnar and Matthew Nelson.

Matthew and Gunnar Nelson are the identical twin sons of Rock ’n’ Roll Hall of Famer Ricky Nelson and grandsons of ‘50s TV icons Ozzie and Harriet Nelson.

“Ricky Nelson Remembered” is a unique multi-media entertainment event featuring the live music of Ricky Nelson’s hit songs (including “Hello Mary Lou”, “Travelin’ Man”, “Garden Party”) performed by Ricky’s own twin sons and included video footage of the Nelson family.

Rick Nelson’s passing in a tragic New Year’s Eve plane crash 33 years ago ended the life of perhaps the most televised rock star in history. Ricky Nelson emerged from the TV series’ popularity to establish himself as one of the most important rock artists of the ‘50s and ‘60s with over 200 million career record sales. Rick Nelson is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame credited with founding the country rock music genre.

The bookings for this show all over America are testament to the memory of Rick Nelson and the excellence of Gunnar and Matthew in this ultimate "Tribute" show. If you grew up in the 50's and 60's this show is a must. It was full of great clips and surprising facts. It lasted almost until 5:30 p.m. It was a great way to end our season of attending shows at the Orange Blossom Opry.

After the show we decide to have Supper at OakWood Smokehouse. There are 4 locations. The closest to the Opry was in Lady Lake, FL. We arrived about 10 minutes after leaving the show. It was an almost "Straight Shot" along SR-25 to US-27 then a right turn to the restaurant just off the main road. 

I sent Charlotte in for a "Beeper" as I parked the car. There were at least 50 folks waiting for a table by the time I got inside. The "Quick -In" saved us quite a few spots. We were seated in about 20 minutes as many of those folks arrived just after us.

To say the "Full Rack of Ribs" was excellent wouldn't do them justice. 'Nuff said!

After supper we took our "Well Lit" route (US-27/441/SR-19) back to OMS. We were in time to catch Jeopardy as the start of our TV evening.

It was a fun and busy day.

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