Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Fri - Mar 9/18

We are departing a few days earlier than we have to in order to "beat the weather." The 3rd "Nor'easter" in a week is going to be hitting in a few days and we want to be home before it arrives.

I also added 3 days to the ROAM Mobility and left that SIM Card in the phone until we get home.

As we prepared yesterday I found that the Backup Camera didn’t work (again). I checked it every few days after having to replace it when we arrived here (it quite on the 3rd day coming down). It worked every time except when we got ready to leave. It appears as if there is moisture on the inside of the camera? I have not been lucky. This will be the 4th replacement (in a few months) since I bought a new unit to replace the one that lasted for 14 years.

We were up at 6 a.m. and unhooked the power (all the other hook-ups were disconnected yesterday), checked all and pulled out of OMS. Once again we enjoyed our stay at Olde Mill Stream RV Resort in Umatilla, FL (simply the best Lake County RV park).

Our route home has already been entered into "Mabel" (we named our GPS so I can personalized my frustration if it goofs up - grin). I avoid the heavy traffic and don't get on I-95 until Exit 298. Traffic was light and travel weather was excellent.

I also prefer to take the I-95 Exit to "Jax Beaches". This is a new exit that connects to I-295 going to the east around Jacksonville. I prefer this way as it has a lot less traffic than going on the west loop of I-295 and is a few miles shorter.

I also like the view of the Jax Harbor from the bridge.

I pulled into the Flying J  (Brunswick, GA) to top up the gas tank. I must note that after years of complaining (as has everyone else) that they have replaced the "high speed" gas pumps with regular speed pumps. I was able to fill up at all the Flying J stops in less than the 30 minutes it used to take. The slower pumps don't build up the "Back Pressure" and continually shut off while filling. It now fills continuously until the last few gallons. No more having to "Click, Click" the gas pump every few seconds after it shuts off because of the back pressure from filling too fast. What a difference.

On the route I programmed into the GPS I mark all the possible stops (Walmarts -Flying J's, etc.) and I just eliminate it if not needed. I did this for the Walterboro, SC Walmart that we stay at (often) as a night stop if needed. There were no delays or problems so far and being it was only after the noon hour we continued on to the next Flying J.

Bridge construction over the Pee Dee River (both directions) had traffic on I-95 down to one lane. It was backed up for almost 5 miles. I took Exit 170 off to take an alternate way around rather than be in an "Interstate Parking Lot" for a few hours.

It was a good thing I made that "Spur-of-the-Moment" decision. As I was pulling off on the Exit Ramp the RV's Power Steering failed. I spotted a Pilot Truck Stop on the left hand side and made an exit at the next light as there is no turning lane into the Pilot from the eastbound lane. The entrance road to the Pilot is actually a service road about 1/4 mile after turning at the light. I made it into the truck parking area and placed it in the only straight through spot available between several trucks.

I walked into the Pilot to check to see if they had any mechanical services available. They did not.

I bought the last 2 Power Steering Fluid containers they had and returned to the RV. I called my "Good Sam Roadside Assistance" phone number (Platinum+ Member for 14 Years). They located a towing company and sent them to my location. One of the "Good Things" about "Good Sam" is they also locate not only the towing; but also a site that will guarantee they can fix the problem. They then will tow to that site. The company they sent, "Willie's Frame and Body", was only a few exits away and they (Frankie and Robert) arrived in about 20 minutes.

In the 20 minutes I had time to disconnect the "Del Sol" from the motorhome. They could tow both; but we would need the car as there was not enough room in the truck for all of us.

Frankie is the owner. His name is Willie; but (I think his father is also a Willie) so he goes by his middle name (Frankie) rather than being a "Junior". These guys were "Good" (with a capital "G").

In less than a half hour they had it hooked up. I was impressed! They had to remove the driveshaft.

They also used "Bungee Cords" to keep the rear full width mud flap from dragging. They also bungeed the wireless "Safety Light Bar" onto the rear ladder. We followed in the car with our "4-Ways".

We arrived at their facility in about 15 minutes. I made sure they had all the keys they needed for the motorhome (ignition, doors, hood, etc.) and we then headed back to the last I-95 Exit to find a motel for the night. They would begin work in the morning.

We found a motel, booked in and called home to update Kat and Liz. Then we called it a night.

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