Monday, March 05, 2018

Mon - Mar 5/18

A slow day today. Clear blue and cool in the morning. Mid-70's F by mid-afternoon. No A/C required today.

We slept in a bit after watching the Oscars and remained in bed watching the flurry of Oscar comments until 9 a.m.

We spent much of the morning trying to organize the packing of the motorhome for our trip home. Today we are mostly organizing our "Duty Claims" for the Border Agents when we get home to Canada.

Jean stopped at the RV mid-morning to say "Good-bye". They will also be departing in a week or so.

We finished the last "Blue Bayou Farm" pie for lunch. Sinfully Good!

I spent most of the day writing a new computer program, "Duty Claims", to keep track of our items for Customs when we get back to Canada. A list w/receipts makes it a much easier and quicker process to get through the border. This was also part of our "Packing and Prep" for departure later this week.

We will be closely checking the weather to know when it is best to depart. We don't need to leave until Sunday; however, we will leave anytime mid-week when the best "Weather Window" appears.

As I was searching for the latest regulations for what and how much we could bring back to Canada I came across a US Gov site where we can get a printout of our border entries into the USA. I printed out mine and Charlotte's. I will use it for the "USA Days" program I am also writing to calculate the number of days we can stay under the IRS rules. (Past blogs: Wed - 15 Feb/17 / Friday - 8 Jan/16 ).

Kat (daughter) made her usual weekly phone call a little after 4 p.m. Not much snow left at home. The cats "meowed" a hello! We warned her we would have to borrow her CR-V to unload the RV when we get home.

Catherine (Charlotte's sister) called just after Kat at about 4:30 p.m. Her news was that she had been chosen as a juror for a trial that should last a month or more. (She will miss her cats when she is sequestered). It cost her $17.00 for parking + lunch. Now I know why they call so many people to interview for the jury pool. They make thousands on parking (grin).

Charlotte continued knitting her quilt while I worked on the computer.

At 5:30 p.m. we went to Harbor Freight to see if they had a few items for Nick's "Wish List". I used to go to the Harbor Freight in Apopka, FL. This store only came into existence this spring. It saves 14 miles (if the sign is correct). There was both "Good News" and "Bad News". The "Good News" was they had the items. The "Bad News" was that there was no one working that was qualified to run the fork lift. The one piece weighed in at over 300 pounds.

I had the supervisor phone Watertown, NY to see if they had the items. They do (at the moment). I tried to call Nick; but he was at a show and his phone was off. There is no way we can load the item into the motorhome. Perhaps Nick can meet me with the truck at Watertown on our way home and transport it to Canada?

Then it was back on US-441 to Perkins located in front of Walmart. Charlotte usually orders the Butterball Turkey Dinner and I the Country Fried Steak. Even the senior portions are so large that we always have some to take back to the RV.

Today we both decided on the Eggs Benedict. |It was excellent and we had nothing left to have to take back to the RV. Being it wasn't so filling we had room for our "Free Piece of Pie."

Monday is when all the Seniors go to Perkins for "Monday's Free Pie" special. They almost always seem to run out of the most popular choices. They ran out of Cherry so Charlotte ordered the Wildberry. They had my choice which was the Reese's Peanut Butter Pie. They were both very good.

We didn't make it back in time for Jeopardy; but arrived for the usual TV evening to round of the day.

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