Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Sun - Mar 11/18

We were up and on the road at 6:00 a.m. We are really happy that the Daylight Savings Time kicked in last night. Despite losing an hour of sleep time we will appreciate the extra hour of daylight travelling home.

The weather was once again perfect. We left I-95 at Fredericksburg, VA to use US-17 to Warrenton, VA then to I-66 (not to be confused with Route 66) to I-81. There was hardly any traffic all the way to our next Flying J at Clearbrook, VA (about 10 miles north of Winchester, VA on I-81).

Again, all was good to our last Flying J at New Milford, PA. They didn't clear the snow properly from the outside RV lane which caused a problem. As I had to make an extremely sharp turn to exit the snow bank caught the Del Sol's front tires and turned them sideways. A customer at the gas pumps could hear the tires squealing from rubbing sideways instead or rolling straight ahead. Thankfully it was only a few feet or it would have worn the tires down to the belts and they would have blown out. Charlotte went in to tell the manager. He couldn't care less. He said "How do you expect us to remove the snow". Well, I said, "The same way you did it everywhere else".(All the other pumps and sidewalks were perfectly clear). He also said (as if it was my fault) that I should have noticed and used the other lane. I told him it was impossible to see until I was in that lane and I can't back up when "Flat Towing" like trucks can do with a trailer. He walked away. I was just trying to have him give better customer service and avoid a possible lawsuit. Another Class "A" motorhome towing an SUV pulled in so I went over to warn him to check if his when he leaves to see if his tires had turned. He agreed that it was impossible to see the end of the lane wasn't cleared until you were in the lane which was too late. I will report this to Pilot (owner of Flying J's). They seem to be responsible as Flying J's have improved a lot since they bought them after they went bankrupt. (I did report this (Live Chat) and it will be passed on to the RM (Regional Manager).

Again, clear roads and light traffic on I-81 N to I-481 at DeWitt, NY. I always take this bypass around Syracuse when going north/south on I-81. It is a bit longer; but with the higher (65 vs 55) speed it isn't any longer time-wise. It isn't often in winter that we get through this area without (lake effect) snow.

I-81 would take us back to the Canadian Border crossing at the Thousand Islands (Ivy Lea) Bridge. I decided to continue without a fuel stop at Watertown, NY.  I pulled into a "Text Stop" (Rest Area) just past Watertown to call Liz and let her know our ETA (7:30 p.m.). We were anxious to get home in time for our traditional "Welcome Home Supper".

A quick stop at the "Duty Free" and then at the Canadian Customs. I had all our purchased totaled and itemized. It only took a few minutes to pass into Canada as there was very little traffic. (I wouldn't want to be here in a week when the "March Break" is over and everyone is coming back to Canada).

We were now on Hwy 401 which would take us to the Ingleside, ON exit. We arrived right on schedule at Liz's and parked on the road in front of her house. By the time we were out of the RV Liz was arriving with "Olympia Pizza" for our "Welcome Home Supper". So Good! (This is why we rarely have Pizza in the USA). A few minutes later our other daughter (Kat) arrived and we all sat down to ear.

We then distributed a few of the gifts we brought home. Liz got "Florence the Flamingo" for "Albert" (her indoor Christmas Tree). Albert is decorated with "Old Fashioned Teardrop RV Trailers". He just needed a "Flamingo".

After supper Kat helped Charlotte put a few of our necessities in her CR-V.  They left for our house in Long Sault (10 minutes down the road) while Liz, Marty (Grandson) and Nick helped unhook the Del Sol which I then drove home. Nick parked the motorhome in their driveway for the night. Tomorrow it would go to "The Lot" (Nick's RV Storage area).

Glad to be home! The first order of business was a nice warm "Tubbie". After 3 months of showers the Whirlpool Bath sure felt good! Then it was "Beddie-Bye".

This will end this session of blogs. Thanks for following. So long until our next trip.

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