Monday, April 27, 2015

Sun - 26 Apr/15

We departed on our final stage of the trip home about 10:00 a.m. It is always good to be home; however, since we both have bad colds, it will be even more welcome.

We stopped at Cracker Barrel in Cicero, NY (a few miles east of Syracuse) for lunch. It was packed. There was a half hour wait to be seated.

We stopped at Harbor Freight Tools in Watertown to pick up a few needed items for Nick: Solar security lights (on sale) for the RV storage area he is developing for his Mobile RV repair business.

Stopped at our usual fill-up place before crossing back into Canada in Morristown, NY. Who doesn't like to save $1 a gallon on fuel? Bonus: Gas was also more than $1 US cheaper then when we returned home last year.

The "Duty Free" store was our last stop before going over the bridge to Prescott, ON Canada. Here we picked up a bottle of Gibson's Whiskey (aged 12 yrs) as a gift.

We stopped to fill the propane tank for our upcoming dry camping sessions at the Ultramar in Morrisburg, ON. Finally, we made it to (daughter) Liz, Nick and Marty's home. Our other daughter (Kat) joined us for the traditional "back home" meal: pizza.

After unhooking the car and bringing the RV to Nick's RV storage area, we made it home. We had fun exploring our way home and managed to avoid all the bad weather, especially through Texas. We left just ahead of the tornadoes and flooding. It was good, if not always sunny, weather all the way home.

This blog was started 10 years ago as a solution for trying to play "email tag". Wi-Fi is bad enough now, internet was horrible then. Doing the blog kept all at home up to date on how we were surviving. We hope it was also a source of helpful info for other RVers, giving them ideas into things to do in the areas we visited. We also tried to throw in a little humour (sometimes, very little) along the way. We hope it has been fun for those of you who have followed our adventures.

We will start the blog up again if we do a major trip before returning south next year. Otherwise, this is it for this winter season. Thanks for following!

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