Saturday, April 11, 2015

Fri - 10 Apr/15

Not up at 6 a.m. (grin)

A little rain through the night. Thunderstorms with light rain this morning (9:45 a.m.) i.e. light for Texas - heavy for us back home. (only about an inch per hour). That's OK. Nice to hear the rain on the RV roof. Things began to clear an hour later.

We came here for the Bluebonnet Festival in Burnet, TX which we have done previously.

Ladybird Johnson championed planting wildflowers along the rural Texas byways. The roads are beginning to blossom with the many varieties of wildflowers. Just so lovely to view as you travel.

We had breakfast in bed (still eating those cinnamon buns). This is why we didn't go to the "all you can eat" pancake breakfast in Burnet, TX.

The activities that we are interested in only start at 2 p.m. so we left at 1 p.m. for Burnet.

Schedule: All the events are located in the area of Burnet's Historic Town Square.

       2 - 6 p.m.   Arts and Crafts around @ Historic Square.

We started by doing the Arts and Crafts booths set up around the Historic Square.

At the end of the first side we took a left. It was time for lunch. Our destination was the Post Mountain BBQ. Bill's Rule #7: When hungry always ask: "Where do the locals eat!" This is the best BBQ place in town!

We were really glad we did inquire! The restaurant, located just off the Burnet's historic square (310 S Main St) has a charm all it's own. We you enter head right to the kitchen at the back. This is where you place your order, pick it up then head back to the front to choose a table.

Try not to notice the great pie selection. Aw! You looked!

Can you tell Bill is wondering why I am taking his picture. (grin)

Bill and Susie Pell have been building a following here since they opened almost 2 years ago. They, like most folks in Texas, are super friendly and helpful. If you are in the area don't miss eating here. (Wed-Sat 11am - 7 pm).

Charlotte chose loose meat in a bun and I, the two meat (brisket and sausage) plate. Yes, we tasted off of each other's plate and all was really yummy! Tender and Oh, so tasty!" The potato salad and coleslaw were also excellent. Needless to say, we couldn't finish the substantial portions and took half of each "To Go". Sadly, no room for dessert. I should have ordered a piece to go. (hindsight isn't wonderful - it just rubs it in!) (another grin).

We then returned the half block to the Historic Square to continue our shopping.

Charlotte found a small hanging beveled glass enclosed wild flower plaque. Neat!

I stopped at George Boutwell's booth. I was glad he was here again. I bought a calendar from his booth last time we were at the Bluebonnet Festival. George, honoured as Official Texas State Artist and Texas' Most Versatile Artist, does everything from wildlife to landscapes, old cars and trucks to
historic buildings and '50's nostalgia.

I purchased a 2015 Bankhead Highway Calendar which George graciously signed. Named after the Congressman who introduced the bill, The Bankhead Highway, started in 1915 and joining Washington DC to San Diego California, was the first paved road across the USA. The Bankhead Highway was truly Americas Mother Road (rather than Route 66 which only crossed half of the Country). It is a National Historic Treasure that was forgotten until recently! There are more miles of the Bankhead Highway in Texas than in any other State, much of which is still driveable. (US-80 and US-180 west of Dallas and SH-67 east of Dallas as well as a few other sections.

This calendar, like the previous, will make my "Route 66" collection on the walls of my "Computer Room".

Bill's Rule #7: You can always find something you didn't know you needed! This time it was a "Microwave Potato Pouch". This will hold up to 4 potatoes (or ears of corn) for microwave cooking.

OMG! It's a giant mutant Bluebonnet! Run! (grin).

Sometimes, folks just do as they are requested! (grinning again)

      2 - 5 p.m.    Birding and Wildflower Show @ Herman Brown Free Library

Finally made it to the Birding and Wildflower Exhibit around 4 p.m. A lot of effort went into collecting, labelling and displaying the wildflowers.

I also had a great time talking to Dan and Marg Ann, two volunteers, that helped put on this display. Both had interesting anecdotes that they gladly shared. Festivals everywhere would not survive if it weren't for the numerous dedicated volunteers. Volunteers everywhere are appreciated!

5:30 - 6 p.m.    Opening Ceremonies w/Highland Lake CAF Fly Over

There was a good crowd present for the opening ceremonies.

          I knew I should have taken the "Big Camera" for a better close-up.
        - 6 p.m.   Pet Parade @ Historic Square

This was a fun event that everyone enjoys. Plenty of participants and a wide variety of pets.

From a baby goat:

To a pet rooster on a leash:

To my favourite, two "wieners - fully dressed" (grin)

       - 7  p.m.   Bluebonnet Scholarship Pageant

       - 8 p.m.    Live Music Kick-Off Dance

It was a hot, busy day. Glad it was 10 F cooler than yesterday! We didn't have "enough left in the tank" to wait another hour for the Scholarship Pageant, let alone stay until the dance.

Only a half hour back to the RV. Supper was the other half of lunch - still yummy!

TV and bed by 10 p.m.

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