Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sun., 27 Jan 13

Even more fog this morning than yesterday.

It burnt off quicker.

I spent the morning doing more organizing so all the items we decided we didn't need in the RV the other day would have a place to stay in the storage bays.

Charlotte talked to her sister via Skype (internet). This is free and saves $$.

This is the weekend - brunch time. Charlotte made strawberry pancakes w/sausages - good, as usual.

It was such a lovely day we decided to go for an "Anywhere Ride". An "Anywhere Ride" is when we just drive. At an intersection we decide, on the spur of the moment, to turn right, left or go straight ahead. At "half-time" we set the GPS for home and return from wherever we happen to be. The second purpose was to test the new position of the GPS.

Well - that didn't last long! The car engine began to surge (rev up and down) on its own. A check of the gauges show the temperature was way above normal. I continued on to Clemmont, FL were I knew the location of an AutoZone (car parts) store.

I picked up a new Fail Safe thermostat w/necessary gaskets and clamps just in case this was the cause. I could change it anywhere easily with the tools I had in the trunk if I had to in an emergency. I had antifreeze in the trunk which I bought the other day to top up the motorhome. It was designed for aluminum engines/radiators so it was OK to use in the Del Sol. We headed back to the RV to continue the diagnosis.

Back at the RV I was able to let it cool enough to remove the rad cap and top it up completely. I determined that the electric cooling fan and switch were functioning properly. The water pump seemed to be functioning properly as well. It appears the rad was low on coolant. I will have to keep an eye on it to see if I have a slow rad leak or other coolant problem.

We headed out again for our "Anywhere Ride". The weather was perfect - mid-70's with sunshine and a light breeze. We went through Howey-in-the-Hills and Tavares again. This time we continued on towards Mt. Dora.

Along the way we pulled into a roadside stand to get some seedless eating oranges. As Charlotte checked the oranges I started talking with Charles about his Porsche. It was a 1984 in great condition. This was the last of the pre-computer Porsches which can be easily "adjusted". We talked about various things "Car" for several minutes.

Talk got around to Watkins Glen, NY - the birth place of sports car racing in the USA. Charles really likes Watkins Glen - as do we. He then entertained us with a "bang-on" impression of Jackie Stewart (Formula One Racing Legend) - Scottish accent and all. He also went to his car to retrieve a few of his poems which he gave me. Below is a poem about his first encounter with a Porsche - circa 1963.

My Dream

I first saw her when I was young
Too young to know
I stood staring
She was red
She was tan
She was cute
I didn't know what sexy was
But she was

I stood listening
She sounded like nothing I had ever heard
Rough yet smooth
The sound of things mechanical
The sound of things German
The sound of speed.

Standing there looking
She infected me
She captured me
She would have me
For all of my life

I wanted her
I would have her
Uncle what is she
I asked
He laughed and said
She is Porsche

                                         Charles C.

We passed the usual corner mall shopping areas that lined the main highway and continued on to Mt. Dora's Historic Downtown. This part is very pretty. I noticed several other older Porsches in this area - maybe it's a Mt. Dora thing?

There was a wedding (pictures at least) going on in the park by the water. All of the towns in "Lake Country" make excellent public use of their waterfront. It was now approaching supper time - the "Anywhere Trip" was over - it was time to set the GPS for the RV Resort and head back. Despite the starting glitches (hopefully solved) today was fun. The new GPS position is the Del Sol worked well. I think it will be a keeper.

Back at the RV Charlotte made hot dogs for supper. They were great with the flat-sliced toasted (and buttered) buns.

Sunday is often family contact day. Liz e-mails. Kat phones (and e-mails), Catherine Skypes and Charlotte phones our friends in Mexico on a regular basis.

Evening will be time for TV and resting (as usual).

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