Saturday, January 12, 2013

Sat., Jan 12/13

Today was another day to organize. We know have the dinette back for use with all the items packed on and under in new locations. I spent a good part of the morning on the computer. I downloaded Skype and Charlotte spent a half hour talking to her sister (Catherine in Ottawa).

I then set out to find why the blog would not upload pictures. It worked at the beginning but stopped at Disney. I have no idea why it started at Fort Wilderness. It apparently is something to do with Internet Explorer 9 as I found it would work when I used Google Chrome. Using Chrome I updated all the blogs that did not have pictures.

I also disabled Java as a result of the US Governments warning that it had a serious flaw that would allow hackers to access info for identity theft and other bad deeds.

In the late afternoon I installed the RV's front privacy screens.

I then installed the digital flat screen TV in the passenger side bay so we could watch programs outside. I settle in to watch the Baltimore Ravens / Denver Broncos Super Bowl qualification playoff game. The evening outside was nice except for one thing - bugs were biting! Time to go inside.

This reminded me why I like Arizona better than Florida. Along with no rain, no clouds and no humidity it also has no bugs - at least until after late April when we would leave to return home.

Charlotte made snacks for the game meal as we were not hungry after another great lunch of nachos.

I finished today's blog while watching the game. Now I am caught up - pictures and all.

We will just relax watching TV this evening.

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