Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Sun., Jan 6/13

Liz made a pancake breakfast for all after we had showered. A yummy way to start the day.
LNM (Liz, Nick and Marty) put on their bathing suits and headed for Typhoon Lagoon.
I took the "Yellow" Bus to use the Wi-Fi at the check-in office.
First I did business by catching up on the banking - Whew! We still have money!
Then I did the blog for Friday and Saturday. I also started today's blog (Sunday); but won't publish it until later after the day's activities are complete.

I returned on the Yellow bus to return the computer to the RV and pick up Charlotte.  We then set out using the transportation system connections to take the monorail. First, we took the launch to the Contemporary Resort.

Then the monorail to the Polynesian Resort to see if we could find our "Brick" with our family names on it. 

The concierge at the Polynesian couldn't give us details for our brick location. I could get them at guest relations at The Magic Kingdom. We then set out by monorail to the The Magic Kingdom where we picked up a map and our brick location number.

We decided to take the boat to The Grand Floridian where we relaxed for a while in the entrance foyer and enjoyed several tunes from the grand piano. When that pianist left we went up to the second floor where a quartet was playing lively "Rag Time" tunes. Then we were off to catch the monorail back to the Polynesian. 

After a little bit of a walk along the beach at the Polynesian we located our "Brick". It was less worn than many of the others along the walk. It was located at the side  of the path near the trees and flowers. Folks tended to walk in the center or closer to the beach side of the walk. This spared our brick a lot of abrasion. 

I few pictures and we were on our way taking the monorail to the Contemporary Resort and then the boat launch back to Fort Wilderness.

LNM and Charlotte went to watch the evening movie near the pool. I remained and worked on he blog. I find it quicker to type it up and then paste it into the blog when I take the computer to the Wi-Fi hotspot at the Fort Wilderness check-in.

Another fun day was had by all at Disney!

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