Sunday, April 08, 2012

Sat - Apr 7/12

Today was another "In Park" day. It was warn; but cloudy, which meant we didn't even go to the pool.

Charlotte went for a walk. We watched TV craft programs on PBS in the morning and a DVD in the afternoon.

I spent time checking out the windshield washer problem. The control is on the multi-switch arm that operates the signal lights, the wipers and the washers. I had the unit replaced just before we left. It was replaced once before (on warranty).  It stopped working again - by degrees. The 4 way flashers quit - then the washers - then the signal lights (first one side - then the other). - it was completely malfunctioning. The replacement didn't work either - it wouldn't work the signal lights and had to be returned.  Third time lucky - NO! On the way south it started blowing fuses when the washers were activated. There is either a wiring or basic replacement unit problem as this unit will no longer trigger the washers (it worked twice). At least everything else still works.

Thinking it may be a washer problem I spent the afternoon of checking several RV repair and Auto supply places and discovered that the Denso generic washer container w/motor (the one I need) is not available anywhere (down here). The washer unit itself is available on-line; but would not arrive before we are scheduled to leave on the 12th.

I was going to purchase another unit for back-up. If it is the wiper motor causing a problem - I will just switch units. If not, the extra capacity would be welcomed for use in bad winter storms like we encountered last year. Unlike a car,  a motorhome, is not always easy to pull over to refill the reservoir which only holds 1.5 litres. More fluid capacity would be nice. The huge windshield is about 4 times the size of that of the average car and it doesn't warm up enough to melt ice like a car's will. This requires more fluid use to de-ice. Two reservoirs would not hurt.

I checked the washer motor and it worked on direct battery connection. I have a spare washer motor for back-up and set it into position and it worked as well. As the sun was setting I put all the parts and tools away. Tomorrow I may wire it directly to a momentary switch until i get back home and sort it out?

On a good note - maybe?  Elvis (the Brake Buddy) has left the building (grin) and is on route via UPS. Scheduled delivery is before the end of day on the 12th. I may have to sit in the parking lot and wait for it to arrive if it does not get here before 11 a.m. We may have to book another day in "short term".

A little evening TV ended the "In Park" day.

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