Monday, November 30, 2015

Monday - 30 Nov/15

Still plagued by park WiFi problems. Don't be surprised if the blog doesn't get out on some days. At times it may take a few hours to get back on. Diagnosis keeps saying the computer appears to be configured correctly - no access to internet gateway - unplug and restart the router. This means I have to wait until it is reset by the park or internet provider.

I have been checking all Windows 10 driver updates for the computer. What is so frustrating is that at times the WiFi is great and at other times non-existent. It might also be the fault of the Windows 10 upgrade on a computer that is 4 generations old.(Wiindows 7).

Most of the day was lovely with light cloud cover. Not overcast and humid as yesterday until late afternoon. Cool spell coming to bring us below 80 F.

Charlotte walked to the Craft Class for 1 p.m. It will take a week or two just to reorganize the RV. I will work on these tasks when Charlotte goes to crafts.

I set about the first of my planned tasks. I cut the new pebble styled floor mat to fit at the RV entrance. The old carpet was curling at then ends despite double sided tape to hold it down. This was a bigger job than I thought it would be with the hardest part being the removal of the tape from the floor. An hour later I was finally done.

Bonus: While looking for the adjustable blade knife to cut the carpet I found the Remote Control for the park entrance gate. As usual I put it in a safe place then forgot the location.. Long term residents can purchase a remote for the entrance gate making for an easier and quicker entrance to the park.

Next up was moving the patio chairs from the bedroom to under the coat rack.

After that it was outside to make room for the laundry baskets in the first outside compartment. This would make it easy to bring them in and load on laundry day.

An hour and a half  later, even though it may not look much different,  these shelves were set with paper products and laundry baskets, etc.

While doing this Mobile RV Glass phoned to make an appointment for installing the Motorhome Windshield for Friday morning. I called the park office to let them know a tech would be arriving. I also informed that a large package would be arriving next week from Home Depot. It is always best to clear arrivals with the office. That way they can guide them to my lot. The OMS staff are excellent that way.

Clearing out the compartment unearthed the outside Welcome Mat "HOME IS WHERE WE PARK IT!".

Charlotte returned from crafts around 3 p.m.

Her treasures today were glass Christmas Ornaments. The process is cut shavings from the coloured Crayola crayon of your choice and place the shavings inside. The glass (not plastic) is heated with a hair dryer while holding carefully using an oven mitt. Rotating coats all the sides. Charlotte worked on the remainder of the dozen balls that she didn't have time to finish during the class.

I'd have taken a picture of our pecan pie snack; but we ate it too quickly. (grin)

My last task for today was to add Stab-Bil to the fuel tank. It keeps gasoline fresh for up to 12 months. That is more important now that ethanol is in the fuel.

RANT: ETHANOL IS A FILLER - NOT FUEL! In the Del Sol my fuel mileage has been down by 10% which is the amount of ethanol per gallon in the fuel. A month or so ago (in Canada), when the fuel prices were extremely low I suddenly noticed a 10% rise in fuel economy for about a half a dozen fill-ups. My driving habits are remarkably consistent. My theory is that at $40 a barrel for oil it was more expensive to add ethanol. When the oil prices increased enough to warrant adding ethanol again my fuel mileage decreased. I rest my case.

The "Corn Lobby" in the USA tried to get the ethanol increased to 15%. Ethanol is harmful to the internal combustion motors - especially the small motors like lawn mowers, trimmers, blowers, chain saws and ATV's, A coalition of these manufacturers quietly informed the US Government that if this was put into force they would no longer warranty their products. Needless to say it didn't happen.

Another fact that was well hidden is that the environmental damage caused by the production of ethanol required for the 10% mandate is much more harmful than that caused by the 10% gasoline that it replaces.

The cost to the public is much higher. When ethanol first came on the scene their pumps had huge filters on the lines that were several times the size used for regular gasoline. Today the filters are now hidden. I wonder why - duh! According to a technician I met the amount of carburetors they have to replace has increased by a staggering amount since ethanol. He also noted that it is better and cheaper to replace these expensive items than try to clean them. I rest my case again.

Rant over; but it made me hungry. (grin)

Charlotte made one of my favourites for supper. Marie Callender's Turkey Pot Pie. This is so easy to cook in the microwave - easier than pizza.

Jeopardy, Family Feud and Scorpion are on the TV agenda for tonight - then bed.

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