Sunday, November 29, 2015

Saturday - 27 Nov/15

Today we were off on a few late morning missions.

First up was a stop at JoAnn Fabrics on Hwy 441 in Tavares, FL just to see what might be on Charlotte's "things I didn't know I needed" list.

After Hobby Lobby yesterday and JoAnn today I have concluded that the biggest Christmas Season shopping rush crowds were at these types of stores which probably includes Michaels as well (haven't been there yet). People just kept going in and coming out in a steady flow. I am sure the "50% off" on all Christmas Decorations was the biggest draw. Even with 8 cashiers open there was a backup. Numbers had to be taken to get fabric cut. Most folks just went off and shopped until their number was called.

Since we already celebrated Christmas before leaving to come south; Charlotte found there was strange being near Christmas bargains that she didn't need. It was almost like being in a time warp.

Charlotte did find some neat things which include the smallest fabric cutting board ever - about 2" by 2" - neat.

Next stop was just a few miles down Hwy 441 at Home Depot in Leesburg. I tried to order the necessary items to make a Pull Out Pantry for the motorhome. What I needed was available as an on-line order only. The problem is that I cannot order as my billing address is Canadian and the software will not accept those details.

I went to the store service counter to have them place the order for what I wanted. When they couldn't enter my payment data I gave them what I thought was a way around the problem. I suggested they total the cost, let me purchase a gift card for that amount and then enter the purchase payment using the gift card which would not require a payment address. It worked. The items should be shipped to the OMS site #39 inside of 2 weeks.

We also made a few in-store purchase which include a plant, large pot and potting soil, wood stain and a new entry carpet for the RV.

Continuing on our Hwy 441 theme I again traveled a few miles down the road. I tried to distract Charlotte by saying we were going to the McD's that was on the other side of the road for lunch. She figured it out as soon as I turned right instead of left into the Ichiban Hibachi & Sushi Buffet parking lot.

What's the Japanese equivalent of "Stuffed like a Thanksgiving Turkey"!

We retraced our route back towards OMS with a final stop for the day at Publix in Eustis.

Tom and Chris, neighbours a few lots down on our street (Suwannee), told us that our favourite Fruit Cake was available at Publix for the Christmas Season. Last year we made a side trip to the Claxton, GA bakery to pick up a supply. Today I picked up a dozen (1lb. - regular recipe) packages to hold us over for a while (along with a few other items).

Back at the RV we unloaded. Charlotte helped me put on the car cover. We rested before getting ready for the OMS "Welcome Back Dance" in the Rec Hall at 7 pm.

The band this evening was "The Sugarbear Band". This band is popular in the area and often plays in "The Villages". They played a cross section of 50's and 60's songs. There were only a few we did not recognize. We danced the slow ones.

At these special events OMS provides free soft drinks and pitchers of draft beer. Improvements this year include a new "Draft Counter" opening next to the new rack style soft drink refrigerator. Good job OMS!

Like when attending "Potluck" meals in the park, it is always fun to meet new (to us) park residents with whom we share the table. Tonight at the dance we had the pleasure of meeting a neat couple who were also from Canada.

When we introduce ourselves we start with indicating we are from "Canada" and progress in  a series of steps that continually narrow towards our village. How far we get depends on how familiar the folks are with the places we name. Next is Ontario followed by "Where Ontario, Quebec and New York State touch on the St. Lawrence River". If they know this area next comes Cornwall (Ontario). Knowledge of Cornwall yields Long Sault, 7 km west of Cornwall, where we live. It is nice when, like tonight, we get all the way to the end.

We enjoyed the lovely evening walk back to the RV - all 3 minutes of it. We are on the second street from the clubhouse making it a really short walk. We left as the band started their final song for the evening getting us home by 10 p.m.

To round out the evening we watched "Deal of the Century" on a retro TV station. You can sure tell it was an "Oldie" when one of the prizes was a typewriter. It was still fun to answer the questions that were given to the contestants.

Our bedtime snack was a piece of the Claxton Fruitcake - so good!

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