Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tue - 25 Feb/14

A nice day today before the rain comes in during the next few days.

This is Autumn in Florida. The trees are losing leaves and the ground is covered. The old leaves are dropping off as they are being replaced with new ones.

Neighbours use leaf blowers to clear them off their roof.

Nick, our son-in-law, texted with a request for some items from Harbor Freight being we are returning home in a week or so. We wish there was a Harbor Freight where we live. Perhaps they aren't coming because, in Canada, "Harbor Freight" would become "Harbour Freight" - the cost of the extra "U", not to mention "French" translations may be prohibitive (grin). Stephanie was very patient and managed to process all the discount coupons successfully.

Getting it all into the Del Sol (it's a 2-seat sports car) was tricky. We had to move the Solar Panel Kit to behind the seats and move the seats forward so much that I could hardly get in - let alone steer and shift. This was manageable for the few miles back to the RV - I would never make it back to Canada all scrunched up.

Next stop was Staples to pick up an ink cartridge for the printer. I had just replaced a cartridge; however, it would not recognize the replacement. I believe the new cartridge is faulty and I wanted to buy another. This way I could check to see if the cartridge was faulty. (Note: Back at the RV the new cartridge worked - the printer is back in business).

Now we were on our way back to the RV park. This is a shopping day so there would be a few more stops on the way.

I picked up a gift card from Dunkin' Donuts. In Canada, a gift card from Tim Horton's, our nationwide doughnut and coffee shop, is a way of saying "Thank You".

This card was our way of saying "Thank You" to Laura and Wally of Wally's Garage in Eustis, FL. They provided excellent service last week. See the Blog for Fri - 21 Feb/14 for complete details.

Charlotte had another craving for Boiled Peanuts. We stopped at the same roadside stand where we purchased our first bag. They were so good we had to return.  The stand is on Route 19 (going South) just on the outskirts of Umatilla, FL.

Fresh and hot - they were great! See the Blog for Tue - 18 Feb/14 for information about "Boiled Peanuts" written after our first visit.

We missed out on lunch with all the running around. Being close to the Mason Jar Restaurant,  the choice was a no-brainer. Once again, we went "Canuck Treat". That is something like "Dutch Treat". Instead of each sharing the cost, we do the 50-50 thing with the food. We share half of each. That way we enjoy the great taste of both. The Meatloaf was soooo good as was the Shepherd's Pie. The huge portions left us with no room for dessert. We will have to return just so we each can have a piece of the homemade pie.

We didn't make the Fast Bingo this evening which starts at 5:30 (you know - the 30 minutes early rule - really means be there by 5).

Tomorrow will be a busy day for Charlotte so we will just relax and watch TV this evening. Not so bad as this is my TV evening on CBS. ...and that's a wrap!

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