Monday, February 24, 2014

Mon - 24 Feb/14

Still in the low 80's F; however, overcast and not much wind. Rain will increase with showers tomorrow and heavy rains possible by Wednesday and Thursday. Then it will be back to a few days of sunshine.

Charlotte was busy today teaching the "Craft Basket" Class. Materials required were posted in the Rec Hall last week so everyone came prepared.

Folks did a fine job.

They picked up their own unique colours and materials that resulted in a variety of very pretty results.

Charlotte enjoyed teaching this craft. Certainly a skilled group.

Charlotte also received an e-mail from an RVer whom she taught this craft earlier as she could not be present for this class. She graciously e-mailed a picture of  a family heirloom (Huck Towel Embroidery). Charlotte will have fun doing this pattern. The craft group is a friendly lot that has no problem sharing their craft ideas.

We relaxed in the RV until it was time for Regular Bingo.

The Bingo does not sell cards past 6:45 p.m. Time is needed to mark the cards in the patterns required for each individual game. Everyone was prepared at the 6:45 cut-off so the Bingo started early. We had no luck this evening' but, fun as always. On the last and largest prize Bingo I did not have even 1 number on my card before it was won. There should be a prize for a "Perfect Loss:.

We already miss watching the Olympics before bed. Watched "The Blacklist" and news and that was it!

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