Monday, February 17, 2014

Mon - 17 Feb/14

Another day w/clear blue skies and above average temps in the high 70's F.

Monday morning is "catch up" time. We take it easy and recuperate from a busy Sunday (weather permitting).

For a change we skipped our Cheerios and Banana breakfast for the Banana Bread we purchased yesterday a the Mt. Dora Village Market...Mmmmmmm Good!

Charlotte spent a little time collecting the necessary craft supplies for today's project - covering a plate with material. Then a discovery - the terrific material she bought the other day to go on the square clear glass plate she purchased is not perfectly symmetrically square. It would look really nice and would not be noticeable on a circular plate - not so on the square one.

Decision: We will go to Hobby Lobby  (Charlotte likes the colourful material there) and pick up either new material or a circular glass plate - whatever comes first?

We did and Charlotte picked up a circular plate and more material.

On the way back I stopped at Advance Auto Parts to pick up a few things for future RV and car projects.

Charlotte had a craving. We stopped at McD's for a Big Mac.

When I dropped Charlotte off at Crafts I check the mail. There was a "You Have Mail" Card in the box. The RV part I ordered Thursday had arrived. I went to the office and picked it up. While there I made a reservation for the same lot (#39) for Nov 1/14 until Apr 31/15. Olde Mill Stream RV Resort is so popular that most of the sites are already booked for next season.

As I was leaving the office I noticed how busy the staff were refilling propane tanks. The few cold spells certainly took its toll on propane use. They have the best system here: pay at the office prior to the M-W-F fill-up days and they pick up your tank, fill and then return it to your site - at a rate substantially lower than if you had a propane truck come to your site. This is allowed since motorhomes do not have detachable tanks; however, they will help out if you run out by lending a standard tank with hookup to tide you over. Now that's service!

A large crowd at Bingo this evening. Close; but, no cigar (Charlotte needed 1 number for the $250).

As usual, for these few weeks, it was Olympics on TV, before calling it a night.

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