Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tues., 22 Jan 13

A cold front came in last night. Dropped the temperature to the low 40's F during the night and it only reached the mid-60's F today. It was totally overcast all day long. This was a good day to relax and recover in the RV.

After the morning TV programs Charlotte caught a few sewing programs on PBS and continued to work on her quilt.

For future references I worked on finding a few attractions to visit in the area once the Wi-Fi connection came back on. I also did some business and some e-mailing.

I then went outside to work as the temperature warmed up in the early afternoon.  l organizing the rear compartment of the RV after taking out the cordless drill for re-charging.

Next on the agenda was fluid checks. I filled the windshield washer containers in both the car and RV. While topping up the RV oil I noticed  the coolant was on the verge of being low. I also sprayed the RV and car tires with a tire shine while I was in the "touch up" mood.

While working outside I had short conversations with a few of my neighbours as they passed by. RVers are a friendly lot.

Charlotte accompanied me as I took a short ride down US-27 to pick up coolant for the RV at Advanced Auto Parts. A quick U-turn brought us to the store. I found the proper type for GM motors (Dex-Cool) and added a container of hand cleaner which was on special for $1.

Our next stop was Dollar General a little further up the road (US-27) and on the way back to the RV. We had come for T.P. (toilet paper). I added a roll of electrical tape and black "rust" spray paint for future use. At the counter I noticed "Woman's World" which I always try to buy on a weekly basis (for Charlotte).

Charlotte made burgers for supper. Mine was perfect - matching the burger I had at Five Guys last week (which is the highest compliment).....mmmm good! Actually, ....mmmm Great!

The TV night started out as usual with Jeopardy and Family Feud. Unfortunately, NCIS was a repeat so we watched the debut of :The Taste" - the jury is still out on this one.

After a busy day yesterday, the rest did us good.

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