Thursday, January 03, 2013

Thu., Jan 3/13

Up early again - so to speak - to get ready for breakfast.

To save time sharing a single bathroom and shower - we all went to the camp bath house just a short walk away. We all had our own individual shower and soon we were all back at the RV  in less than a quarter of the time it would have taken if we all took turns in the RV.

Then we were all off to celebrate Nick's birthday at the Cape May Cafe at the Beach Resort. (Nick's birthday is really tomorrow - we made a mistake in the booking date - so we went anyway.)

It is a nice breakfast buffet that features visits from Donald, Minnie and Goofy as we eat.

Pictures and autographs from all at different times during the meal.

Nick blew out the candle on his (cup)cake as we sang Happy Birthday!

Later we went shopping in the Beach Resort Marketplace (Charlotte bought a Dizpin) and then it was off to Downtown Disney.

Our first stop was the LEGO store.

LNM bought a number of large kits at the LEGO store. They continued shopping in Downtown Disney while Charlotte and I went through the Disney store. Here, in a special section, half a dozen or more "Princesses" were geting their hair done in "Royal" fashion (including sparkles) to match the princess gown they had just purchased and were wearing.

Nick had to make a trip to the truck with several huge LEGO parcels. We agreed to meet "near the flowers" later when their shopping was done. Charlotte and I shared a cool Mango drink while we "people watched" as we waited for their return.

We were back at the RV by mid-afternoon. A little KD (Kraft Dinner) as a snack/lunch and LNM were off to mini-putt. They dropped me at the check-in center so I could access the Wi-Fi and do the blog, I will catch the "Yellow" bus from here back to the RV.

It's easy to have fun at Disney World!

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