Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sun., 17 Mar 13

Headed to Walmart for a few items. Charlotte picked up a tri-pack of novels by an author she is currently reading. We gave in to temptation and had lunch at the in-store McD's.

Today and tomorrow threatens rain and thunderstorm activity so we decided to re-charge our batteries and rest. Charlotte worked on finishing the current novel so she can start on the tri-pack.

Things cleared up by the afternoon so we decided to head to the Wales West Light Railway train station on the other side of the parking area near our RV.

Today we would take the small scale diesel engine ride around the park.

The current theme for the Wales West Light Railway is the "Easter Express". Dozens of large inflated Easter decorations fill the train and walking route. You can even meet the Easter Bunny!

The park is pretty by day and evening more whimsical when lit up at night. The best plan is to arrive (opens at 3 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday) and stay to enjoy the lights at night.

There is plenty to do for the kids. There are activities as well as a petting zoo and horseback rides available.

You can stop and talk with the "Time Keeper" who keeps everything running on schedule.

You can listen to the "Sunny the Organ Grinder" as it plays circus style tunes.

A favourite with the kids (big and small) is the Peep Blaster where you can try your aim at hitting targets using the "cannon".

At 7 p.m. we headed over to the Rec Hall for a park activity for the RVers staying in the Resort part of the facility. Tonight's event was an Ice Cream Social. Charlotte had a Root Beer Float and I made a Sundae complete with nuts, strawberries, pineapple, chocolate topping with whipped cream and a cherry on top....sinful; but, so good.

During the "Social" part of the event, as usual, we met interesting folks (snowbirds) from different parts of the country. To our surprise we met a delightful couple from Brockville, ON. This is the second couple from Brockville that we have met in the park. Sometimes you have to travel 1,500 miles to meet people who's home is an hour from where we live in Canada.

We walked with these folks back to the train station. They were going to catch the "Evening Easter Express" to enjoy all the attractions that are lit up at night.

This is certainly a unique park that is worth a visit - better still, a stay.

As usual, a little TV before bed.

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