Saturday, January 04, 2014

Sat Jan 4/14

Back to the 70's F today with only a very few glimpses of sunshine. The cold that is ravaging the north will arrive in a few days bringing chance of a freeze by Tuesday. The temp will drop over 40 degrees F when this hits. Ironically. it was a freeze in the early 80's that is the reason the RV park exists. It was previously an orange grove that had all the trees die in a killer frost. Loosing the oranges or blossoms is enough of a catastrophe - loosing all the trees is the ultimate. The land was sold for re-development; thus, the RV park.

We have a new neighbour across the road. They came in late yesterday. They are from Delaware. Most folks here are from PA, MI and Canada (They count the states individual - the provinces are just Canada which is now #2 in the park).

Charlotte made use of our new grocery supplies and made yummy egg muffins w/bacon for breakfast. Our New Year's resolution is to try and eat out less - we hope to lose a little weight (or at least not gain). The RV Park Pot Luck Suppers don't count - tonight it's Bean Soup.

I can't believe we are still sorting out the groceries and the supplies we came down with. The inside is just about under control. The outside storage re-sort will take a few days.

Charlotte did a good job shortening a pair of Wrangler black jeans that was a Christmas gift.

I spent a few hours programming the computer and GPS with new Flea Market addresses. Olde Mills Stream RV Resort provides long term stays (not overnighters) with a most comprehensive guide to the park and to the area. It has everything you need to know and a few things you hadn't thought of to make your stay fun. They provide Emergency Care addresses and numbers, park maps, guidelines and event info as well as information on several dozen area attractions, stores and services.

They even provide a card to identify you to several local businesses that give park guests a discount (we already saved 10% at Pizza Hut). This is service above and beyond any we have seen in our travels - anywhere.

Good News - Marty's Hockey Team won again today - they will play tomorrow in the semi-finals. If they win they will go on to the tournament championship game.

We still have a hard time remembering that in an RV park - "If you are a half hour early - you are still 15 minutes late". This means we will start getting things ready for the Bean Soup Potluck at 5 pm at 3 pm.

Charlotte will bring pickles and olives as most others that signed up are bringing salads or dessert.

Good thing we went a half hour early - not much room left in the hall.

We met some nice single ladies from Ohio and Delaware. They liked this park so much they kept coming even when their husbands passed away. It is their second home.

Soon they started calling table numbers for folks to pick up the potluck items. We weren't first; but we weren't last either. There was plenty for all.

The Bean Soup was brought to each table by the supper helpers. It was excellent! The surplus soup was offered to folks who had a container - wish we would have known. The soup was that good.

The helpers sell tickets for a 50-50 draw to defray the costs incurred as the Main course, coffee and tea are free. They divide the prize into 5 equal draws. My ticket was 2 numbers behind one of the winners.

A two minute walk and we were back at the RV.

No other plans for this evening except TV before bed.

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