Saturday, January 11, 2014

Sat - 11 Jan/14

Ooops! We missed the pancake breakfast. I thought I had the alarm (on the TV)  set to come on DAILY. When I was checking to see if it was set I must have took it off daily - it was set to SUN(day). We did wake up on time; however, it would have been a bit of a rush and neither of us was really hungry. Today will be a brunch day,

It will be in the low 80's F today; however, most of the time the humidex makes it feel 15 F higher, This morning 72F feels like 88F. I miss the "Dry Heat" of AZ. It is no wonder the Disney Half Marathon started at 5:30 am with heat warnings for the runners.

Okay - we made it 13 days without eating out. We just couldn't get by "Golden Corral". We get a 10% discount with our RV park card. We can't "Fill Up The Tank" like we used to and usually don't go to buffets. Golden Corral has a great variety for a reasonable price; so we don't mind eating here. I promised Charlotte I would document the 12 times she returned (grin - just kidding).

We went to Walmart to try and find the "odds and ends" on our shopping list in just one stop. Many of the items needed were for Charlotte's upcoming craft projects. Charlotte went to get her hair cut while I went looking for the items on the list.

The craft items we didn't find at Walmart Charlotte picked up at Jo-Ann Fabrics.

I went to Dollar General to look to look for the non-craft items. I only found the Ant Traps.

We tried to find the last few items on our list at the ACE Hardware right near the RV park. I bought a checkerboard table cloth for the picnic table on our RV site - still no clips to hold the table cloth onto the table or no butter dish. Perhaps we will go to one of the area Flea Markets tomorrow?

Wow! Our first "Top Off" day in the Del Sol. It has been rainy or cloudy since we arrive (also a cold spell).  There will be thunderstorms later in the evening; but, for now, it feels great driving with the top off.

On arriving back at the park we decided to take a tour to see what was new. Only a few empty sites left in the park. The park borders Lake Pearl and often the wild life come to feed. 

The "Regulars" put a lot of effort into their sites. Same for the short term guests.

The Thunderstorm rolled in just as Jeopardy started on TV. Now we know why there was a Thunderstorm Warning. The strong winds "Wiggled" the motorhome and a "Super Crack" that was very close shut of the power for a second.

That's All Folks. Sending the Blog and shutting down the computer - just to be safe.

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