Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Wed., 6 Feb 13

Today was a day to rest. Cloudy and overcast all day.

For lunch Charlotte made smoothies using our frozen strawberries.

It was also a day to do the laundry. Loaded the trunk and headed out mid-afternoon - this time we came prepared with a roll of quarters. All done in about an hour.

The final task for the day was hauling out the extension cord and soldering iron to fix a broken wire in the Del Sol that was keeping a rear light from functioning. Fixed just before dark.

Charlotte made toasted tomato sandwiches w/bacon for supper......mmmmmm!

The internet was good this morning - tonight it was very slow - then good again. The problems of RV resort Wi-Fi

TV and bed after CSI: Las Vegas.

We needed the rest after 2 busy days.

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