Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sat - Jan 14/12

Not a lot to report today.

Bacon and Egg brunch mid-morning.

We watched the NFL San Francisco/New Orleans Football game. Average game until the last 4 minutes. It went back and forth with each team scoring to change the lead several times with San Francisco pulling out the win in the last 13 seconds.

Then it was DVD time. I brought almost 700 movies to watch. Our choice - L.A. Confidential.

Charlotte made sandwiches and dip for supper. We wanted to try the dip we bought at the Swap Meet. It was a treat with Fritos Scoops.

We got ready for the dance featuring Larry Charon. He played a nice varied selection almost continuously from 7 - 10 p.m. We sat with 3 couples - all from Ontario. A couple from Florida joined us later. One of the folks from Sarnia, when he found out we were from Cornwall, asked if a new a few individuals. One I didn't, but the other was a childhood neighbour. We also discovered we also had a few other individuals in common, as well. Small world.

I could see the score of the much hyped NFL New England/Denver game on the TV in the activity room from where we sat. I didn't miss much. It was a blowout with Brady throwing a record number of TD passes in the game.

So far there were a few less folks at the dances when compared to last year. Counterbalancing this is the fact there are more taking western line dancing classes this year which kept the floor full.

Except for the New Year's Eve Dance everything ends by 10 p.m. Sometimes we will catch the Jay Leno monologue at 10:30 p.m. here due to Arizona being on Mountain Standard Time all year. This has become our new bedtime.

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